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Harvard Engineering Professors Asked To Explain How They Increase ‘Diversity’ On Campus

Harvard engineering professors are now required to submit a report that details how they increased “diversity” on campus.

According to a report from the Crimson, a new policy at Harvard University will require all engineering professors to submit a report on their contributions to the culture of “diversity” and “tolerance” on campus. In addition, candidates for faculty positions at Harvard must include submit a “diversity, inclusion, and belonging statement” as part of their application.

Harvard Dean Claudine Gay pointed out that many universities around the country have begun to incorporate mandatory diversity reports for current and prospective faculty members. Earlier this month, Breitbart News reported that the University of California system had begun requiring a “diversity” statement for all applicants for faculty positions.

“In addition to SEAS, I know of a couple of other universities that are moving in similar directions,” Gay said in a comment to the Crimson. “From the perspective of the FAS, we’re looking at these experiments in the hopes of learning from them and seeing what makes sense for the FAS in terms of our own hiring practices.”

“Certainly one of the many things that we hope the faculty who come here do is find ways to advance inclusion and belonging, because as we know, that is one of the priorities for the FAS and for the University more generally,” Gay continued.
In November, Breitbart News reported that former Harvard Medical School Dean Jeffrey Flier had spoken out against the mandatory diversity statements for prospective faculty members.

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“As a dean of a major academic institution, I could not have said this,” Flier said at the time. “But I will now. Requiring such statements in applications for appointments and promotions is an affront to academic freedom, and diminishes the true value of diversity, equity of inclusion by trivializing it.”

Source: Breibart

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