Home > Chemical > DNV GL To Monitor Compliance Of Baltic Pipe Gas Project

DNV GL To Monitor Compliance Of Baltic Pipe Gas Project

DNV GL To Monitor Compliance Of Baltic Pipe Gas Project. DNV GL will provide verification services for Energinet’s section of the Baltic Pipe project offshore Denmark.

The project will facilitate transportation of gas from Norway, from a tie-in to the Europipe II pipeline in the Danish North Sea to the export facility onshore in Zealand.

Not covered under the contract is the pipeline in the Baltic Sea toward Poland.

Baltic Pipe is expected to be fully operational by Oct. 1, 2022.

DNV GL will undertake independent verification and submarine pipeline certification to its certification regime DNVGL-SE-0475. The acceptance criteria are the Danish Continental Shelf Law, DNVGL-ST-F101 and the various underlying DNV GL standards and recommended practices.

Work will take place during engineering, procurement, construction, installation, hook-up and commissioning, with the program managed by DNV GL’s offices in Denmark, supported by the company’s global network of verification specialists.

The company’s verification will help Energinet ensure transparency of the project status and real-time reporting of components and equipment-critical points.

Source: Offshore

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