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Three Thrilling Things Made Possible By 5G

Three Thrilling Things Made Possible By 5G. The race to 5G is on – according to T-Mobile CEO, John Legere, who believes that his company “win the race”. Legere is not the only one, Huawei is in the process of introducing a 5G chipsets, Apple is potentially looking to unveil 5G iPhones by 2020 and Nokia continues to scoop up 5G deals across Europe.

According to Peter Rysavy, President of Rysavy Research, “Wireless network capacity doubles every three years and is fueled by progressive densification, access to new spectrum, and innovation that increases spectral efficiency.” And while smartphone manufacturers and network providers battle it out for the first place position, the rest of the world is waiting with bated breathe for what could potentially reinvent the IoT.
Here are three quick things made possible by 5G: 
  1. Network management of up to 1 million devices per square kilometre, improved device mobility of up to 500 kilometres per hour, over 100x energy efficiency over 4G LTE, and one millisecond network latency times
  2. Spectrum support for many frequencies, including spectrum bands above 6 GHz, availability of TDD and FDD modes for all bands, and use of licensed and unlicensed bands
  3. Optimised network efficiency thanks to 5G and AI collaborations making devices easier to use, enabling new applications and leveraging hybrid architecture for central and edge clouds.
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“The transition to 5G has been happening simultaneously with continued advances in 4G LTE. 5G will transform wireless network capability by facilitating extremely dense deployments, harnessing spectrum never before available for cellular systems, being able to use extremely wide radio channels, employing virtualization methods, and supporting new ultra-reliable and low latency applications,” says Rysavy.

Chris Pearson, President of 5G Americas says, “We can foresee potential next-generation developments through 2030, considered ‘beyond 5G’ that could result in theoretical peak speeds of up to one terabit per second (Tbps). The mobile wireless industry does not stand still and has historically shown that innovative enhancements to improve mobile technology will continue”.

Source: itnewsafrica

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