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NESTEC Paper: Recycling Of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) To Fuel; A Solution To Global Warming


In our world today, global warming has been a threat to the life of plants and animals, with carbon dioxide (CO2) being a major cause of this alarming threat. As a result, scientists, technologists and engineers have been working over the years to reduce the release of this harmful gas into the atmosphere.

Conversion of CO2 to gaseous fuel (Methane gas) requires a number of steps; the first being separating CO2 from mixture of exhaust gases, which can be done by using the Pre combustion Carbon Capture technique or Post combustion carbon capture technique. The captured CO2 will then be reacted with water vapour i.e. steam and the mixture would be passed through a pack of nanotubes coated with copper and platinum at a temperature of about 100°C-120°C operating at atmospheric pressure to hasten the production of methane gas (CH4)

The methane gas produced can then be used at homes and industries. This would not only reduce the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere, but also release more oxygen gas.



Keyword: Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane gas (CH4), Fuel, Recycle, Hydrogen, Amine, Water vapour i.e. steam, Nanotube, Pollution, Carbon capture.


Author: Abdulhammed Yusuf Olayinka

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69 thoughts on “NESTEC Paper: Recycling Of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) To Fuel; A Solution To Global Warming

  1. If this reaction can be simplified to take place in vehicle, it’ll be very economical as well as being good for a country like Nigeria especially in Lagos where we have lots of vehicles on the road


  2. This is what I will tag “a thought in the right direction” as it involves seeking scientific solution to a problem that was created by science in the first place.
    The efficacy of this proposal is not limited to problem solving alone as it tries to establish a new way of doing things which is very useful in such a profligate country like Nigeria.


  3. I really applaud this writer, there is nothing called a waste only if you want to waste it….. If carbon dioxide can be recycled, what then are we waiting for?


    1. You’re right Sir, Africa is one of the largest oil producing continent with abundant crude oil under our soil, recycling carbon dioxide will cleanse the African continent Atmosphere as well as improve the economy of the African continent


  4. Methane, being a lighter gas, produce more energy per unit weight. Hence can be use for cooking, produce lighting, use as fertilizers ingredient, among others.
    Recycling is the next goal.
    Thanks for this piece.


    1. Exactly Sir. Recycling CO2 is paramount to future development, methane gas can serve in numerous ways


  5. Nice mork Mr. Olayinka

    Just for clarity, what new approach are you actually postulating for the CO2 recycling? Because, i tend not to find the bridge you are bringing into the already existing scope, please.

    Probably, this is more of a review of existing scope… If I did understood your work, sir.
    Keep the job rolling.


    1. Using nanotechnology will improve the rate of the reaction, leading to more CO2 reacting with steam, just as in the case of a packed column for a cooling tower where the packings give room for more cooling. In that same manner, the nanotubes will enable the carbon dioxide gas to react more with the steam.

      without the nanotubes and under the right temperature and pressure, the reaction will take place in a wide surface because the gases will be able to move freely, but little amount of methane gas will be produce per unit time in the reactor, thereby leading to us having CO2, Steam, Methane, and Oxygen in the reactor at a time. Methane is known to be a volatile gas, it will burn in the oxygen and lead to an explosion.

      Nanotube will reduce the free movement of the gases, reduce the surface area of reaction and increase the rate of reaction


  6. Wow, this is amazing plus it’ll be good if this can work in vehicles


    1. This study will bring about the emergence of new industries who would look into ways to simplify this process and also recycle CO2 to liquid fuel such as gasoline by reacting it with water to produce methanol and with further reaction can yield gasoline


  7. This is a wonderful write up. If this can be implemented in our country it will help to reduce hazardous gas being released into the atmosphere and generate income for the country.


    1. You’re right Sir, a healthy life will build a healthy Nation


  8. I will say that this abstract is definitely at the right direction. The issue of global warming is something both the government and scientist must put to mind especially in a country like Nigeria. Industries and factories should be given certain regulations that would cob the issue of inappropriate release of unprocessed carbon to the atmosphere which has consistently led to depletion of the ozone layer. Indeed, the abstract is in the right direction.


  9. Just as much as I commend your abstract and view, I am also tempted to ask few questions because I look at this from the Engineering perspective of which i fall into:
    1. If this idea of yours is to be accepted, how cost effective is it.
    2. Did you in any way conduct this experiment by yourself?
    3. If yes, what were your findings, reactions and results.
    4. Explain in lay man term how you conducted it. Thanks


    1. Thank you for your comment and questions Mr. Clinton

      1. The process is not so cost effective at the moment for individual use, but it’s suitable for industries, the reason being the cost of obtaining a titanium oxide nanotube is quite much. However it’ll lead to development of novel technology I.e new industries would come in and develop ways to make it cost effective for an average vehicle owner.

      2. No, I didn’t conduct the experiment, I tried modifying the process by using packs of Aluminium oxide tubes in place of the titanium oxide, which could have make it success, but the limited resources around me hindered it’s success

      3. Since I’ve not conducted it using titanium oxide nanotube, I can’t give you a 100% process description, however I can tell you in theory what the process would look like if you want.


      1. Thanks alot Mr author for your sincerity in answering question number 2 because i do know that i have come across this work some time ago but not withstanding, since you stated clearly that you have not effectively conducted this work to a progressive level, how do you expect us as your readers to accept this brilliant write up because Engineering is more of solving a problem than the theory of concept. Thanks again


        1. Thank you once again Mr Clinton,

          The inability to conduct the experiment is as a result of limited resources as stated.

          However, the paper is call to action, to Kindle the fire of carrying out this process by industries in the country that possess the financial capability of running the process.

          And I’ll be glad to tell you that during my course of study in the past few days, I’ve been able to device a method of making the process more cost effective, and that is by using Naturally occurring metals here in Nigeria (Manganese, Iron, Nickel and Copper) in place of using ones that would be imported. This would increase the cost effectiveness of the process.

          Thank you


  10. This is wonderful…. more grease to the Writer’s elbow


  11. This is really innovative. Renewable energy is the future. God bless the writer for taking this bold step. If this can be implemented in our dear country, then that is definitely one step towards greatness.


    1. You’re most right, Recycling is the future tech. Researchers are now looking into recycling Plastic to other useful products


  12. Wow. This is educative.
    More wisdom sir


  13. Positive reasoning. With engineers, Nothing really wastes..what others refer to as waste to us is considered as underutilized material….
    with the incessant and unremitting treat to life as a result of global warming, recycling is a potent remedy.
    Kudos to the writer of this article…


    1. You’re right Sir, recycling is a major approach towards solving most of our environmental issues today


  14. You really got me reading from the first to the last word
    Am a very difficult person to impress but you really got me hooked up with the write up
    Greater heights keep it up


  15. What are the things needed to be in place to make the experiment cost effective?


    1. Thank you for your question Mr Rasheed

      The major factor that makes a process cost effective is the cost and method of production, looking at the paper, the equipment (Titanium oxide nanotube coated with Copper and platinum) is one that the materials are not found in except for copper.

      However, Manganese or Iron oxides nanotube can be used in place of Titanium oxide nanotube, also, Nickel can be used in place of Platinum. Since Manganese, Iron, Nickel and Copper can be found in Nigeria, the cost of obtaining them would reduce by large margin compared to purchasing Titanium and Platinum from a foreign country.


      1. Now the question you might be wanting to as is “would newly introduced metals serve the same purpose as the ones written in the paper?”

        Yes They would

        Manganese and Iron belong to the same period of the periodic table as Titanium which makes them shame similar physical properties.
        Also, Nickel belongs to the same group of the periodic table as platinum, which makes them share similar Chemical properties (which is the major requirement for the reaction to occur).

        So for the process to be effective, we use Manganese or Iron oxides nanotube, Nickel and Copper in place of Titanium Oxide, Platinum and Copper.

        Therefore, reducing the cost of production and increasing the cost effectiveness of the process


      2. Wow, Now I see the Engineer in you! With this new approach, the experiment should be more cost effective.

        I’ll like to believe that if you’re given the appropriate funding and tools you would make the theoretical process a reality?


        1. Thank you Sir

          Definitely, with the appropriate funding and tools, carrying out the experiment is just a heart beat away.


  16. If government can’t invest in this, I bet you green house effect will not too occur….


  17. Wow! This is indeed a great one.

    Sir, from the look of things, you actually did the work yourself…

    This work is massive, but sir I have some questions and thus, need further clarity.

    Majority of the vehicles used in Nigeria are no very new per say (tokumbo). Aside from that, the gases that comes out from an internal combustion engine is majorly carbon monoxide, less carbon dioxide and SO2, nitrogen oxides, etc.
    Carbon monoxide comes when there is an incomplete combustion but CO2 comes as a result of a complete burning.

    My question, in Nigeria where majority of the vehicles emit CO how can we convert the CO to CO2 before obtaining methane gas and Oxygen.

    Although, in your work, you said in section 2.2 that CO is converted to CO2 in the water gas shift (WGS) reactor. What are the conditions necessary for the conversation of CO to CO2?

    What makes the pre-combustion carbon capture cheaper or lower in cost?

    Since the reaction of methane gas and Oxygen is highly explosive, what are the conditions needed for the separation of methane gas and Oxygen gas in the system used?

    If your work is implemented in Nigeria, do you think the cost of the catalyst used would be sustainable for the entire process?

    Lastly, what referencing style did you used?

    Thank you very much sir, anticipating your response.


    1. Thank you Mr Harrison,

      I must say I really appreciate your questions, for it’ll help answer readers who might have similar questions.

      1) As regards conversion of CO to CO2, I dunno if you’ve heard about a component of the exhaust engine of a vehicle called CATALYTIC CONVERTER. A Catalytic converter is installed in the exhaust engine of a vehicle to convert the harmful gases produced during combustion of such such as Carbon monoxide (CO) to carbon dioxide (CO2) in a redox reaction before being released into the atmosphere.

      However, we might say the exhaust engine of our used cars (tokunbo) don’t have this component in their exhaust engines. To solve this, the government will need to place strict laws on vehicle owners that do not have catalytic converter in their exhaust engine.
      We can then have Nigeria based industries to develop a catalytic converters that can be installed in vehicles that do not have it, using beads on ceramic coated with nickel and palladium in place of Platinum and palladium.

      This will promote the growth of new industries, create employment, improve the country’s technology and increase its economy.

      2) The pre combustion carbon capture is suitable for industries that mainly use Methane gas as fuel and not vehicles, pre combustion is suitable for such industries because it doesn’t require extra cost of burning a fuel before obtaining CO2.

      In the case of vehicles, study’s still going-on on it, and as of the moment of this response, I can tell you the most preferable carbon capture that may be suitable for vehicle is post combustion carbon capture.

      3) The product I.e CH4 and O2 will be separated based on the difference in their density, Methane is a lighter gas compared to oxygen, the product section will be such that the product is separated immediately it’s been produced with an automatic shut-off valve.

      Also, for an explosion or fire to occur, three elements of fire must be present, that is, Fuel, Air(Oxygen) and Heat. The product section will be free of heat as much as possible.

      4) Using a Nickel catalyst and other Naturally occurring metals in the country would lower the cost of purchase. Though at first might not be quite cheap, but with modifications and further research, it will be more cheaper and easy to purchase.

      5) The reference style used is the APA style of referencing


  18. This is beautiful brother
    But don’t you think stopping the emission is better


    1. Thank you for your opinion Mr China

      As good as that would have been Sir, but Man can’t do without burning fuel, The burning of fuel is as old as the early men, from wood to charcoal, to liquid and gaseous fuels. Man can’t do without emitting CO2 either directly or indirectly, and that’s why the best possible solution as of now is recycling.

      Thank you Sir


  19. Good morning brother. Hope you have had a good night rest. I have some few questions for you after going through your work:

    1. Starting with your abstract, what made you feel that the abstract should exceed the given limit of 200 words?

    2. Do you feel an equation as lengthy as that is supposed to be on the abstract.

    Do well to answer these brother. Thanks.


    1. Thank you for your questions Mr Abdulbaki Ahmad

      1) The abstract is not more than the stipulated 200 words sir, perhaps you counted the keywords as part of the abstract, which I guess you shouldn’t.

      2) The equation is not lengthy and it’s there to give the reader the insight to what reaction is going on in the process, and that serves the purpose of an abstract, which is to give a summary of the paper

      I hope I’ve answered your questions

      Thank you once again Sir.


  20. Nice work, Yusuf. My questions are:

    1. How do you rate the scale of success of this method in minimizing global warming?

    2. In the pre-combustion method of removing Carbon dioxide from the air, what fuel do you need in the Gasifier? What is its source?


    1. Thank you for your questions Mr Victor Japan

      1) I’ll say if recycling of CO2 is implemented all over the globe, Global warming is likely to be minimized to a very large extent. Recycling CO2 stand an 80-90% chances at minimizing Global warming.

      2) The fuel in the pre combustion carbon capture must be the fuel we intend removing CO2 from, it can be any form of Carbon fuel I.e Gasoline, kerosene, Coal etc. Depending on the user and also the design of the reactor will also determine what fuel to be worked on in it.

      I believe I’ve answered your questions Sir

      Thank you once again


  21. Interesting Paper Yusuf. The proposed production processes require heating. How do you source this heat and still maintain the economic viability of the fuel production?


    1. The required heat may be supplied from steam, which will produce the required heat and make the process economically sustainable.

      Thank you Sir


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