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Cybercrime Would Erode Nigerian Businesses

The spate of increased cybercrime in Nigeria would taint business reputations in the country in no due time if the menace is not timely addressed. This piece of Information was given by the Director General of the National Information Technology Development Agency, Kashifu Inuwa in al workshop seminar organized for cyber security and awareness campaign.

Represented at the workshop by the director of the zonal office, Mr Christopher Okeke reassured Nigerians that the agency would keep working tirelessly to provide a safer cyber space free from cybercrimes. And in achieving this Nigerians have to be equipped with knowledge and adequate awareness on cyber Security. This he prescribed as been the ideal solution to fighting cyber theft.

Also the government had a pivotal role to play by creating favorable policies and enforcement to this legislation. He stated that the combined efforts of the office of the national security adviser and National Orientation Agency have helped greatly in sensitizing Nigerians.

The director general revealed that the damage caused by cybercrime would amount in trillions of dollars in the next year.

By employing cyber warfare through digital technologies several countries has combated this, hence the Nigerian government was investing too in this in order to protect vital national infrastructure and businesses.

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He warned that everyone using a phone or computer device is liable to be a victim if he is not aware of some of the activities as Malware, phishing , social engineering and other form of cyber criminal activity. Hence he advised the participants of the workshop to stick to the tips given when they are online.

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