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How To Develop Soft Skills

You can develop soft skills just like hard skills. Here is how to hone the five most in-demand soft skills of the year

Earlier this year, LinkedIn released a list of the five most in-demand soft skills for 2020. They were determined by examining the skills listed on the profiles of the people on the network getting hired at the highest rates.

The ranking was:

  1. Creativity
  2. Persuasion
  3. Collaboration
  4. Adaptability
  5. Emotional intelligence
Are you job hunting this year? It might be a good idea to start reflecting on to what extent you demonstrate these skills — and getting more practice in the areas you are weakest.

Here are some tips on how to hone each of these in-demand soft skills.

1. Creativity

Brainstorm with colleagues. Some people are naturally creative on their own, but a lot of us need to bounce ideas off others to get the creative juices flowing. Book a recurring brainstorming meeting with a co-worker or even the whole team to come up with more creative ideas in the moment, and train your brain to think outside the box even when you are working solo.

2. Persuasion

Be your own “devil’s advocate.” It is much easier to persuade someone to your argument if you’ve taken the time to think through their position in advance. By examining all of the angles of a topic, you can prepare to answer their objections — and offer your rebuttals.

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Flex your communication style. Trying to persuade someone who is a visual learner through a pages-long email is probably not going to work out in your favour. Tailoring your communication style to the audience you are trying to persuade is critical, and the more you can practice flexing your communication style to those around you, the better prepared you’ll be to persuade when the situation calls for it.

3. Collaboration

Define the structure. Collaboration suffers when roles and goals are not defined. The next time you take on a group project, strike up a conversation about what success looks like, and who is doing what. Just this simple act can get everyone rowing together faster and more effectively.

4. Adaptability

Manage your mindset. The ability to adapt to changing circumstances starts with a mindset that is willing to adapt to changing circumstances. If you tend to baulk at change, reflect on the reasons why — and then see if there are any reframings you have not explored.

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Experiment, experiment, experiment. It is far easier to be adaptable when a project fails or pivots dramatically if you have other ideas ready to go. For every major project, think of a few alternative ways it could be accomplished, and, when feasible, test them out as small experiments. Getting in the habit of testing alternative ideas also ensures you are constantly learning and refining your approach to your work.

5. Emotional intelligence
Seek out different perspectives. Empathy is essentially perspective-taking — but when is the last time you actively asked someone for their point of view? Getting in the habit of prompting others to share where they’re coming from and carefully listening to their responses won’t just increase your emotional intelligence, it might actually make you more efficient.

Ask for feedback. Self-awareness is a key component of emotional intelligence. Asking colleagues for feedback regularly will help you understand how you come off to other people. And when you get constructive criticism that’s hard to hear, remember that there is no “right” or “wrong” when it comes to others’ points of view — that’s their perception, and perception is reality.

Source: e27

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