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US Scientists Reaffirm That 5G Is ‘Harmless And Benign’

Another scientific study has confirmed that 5G is ‘harmless and benign’ in response to crackpot conspiracy theorists who say the next-gen network causes disease.

US researchers investigating the effects of radio-frequency radiation generated by the ultra-fast mobile internet reveal that it has negligible health impacts.

The study comes after several 5G masts were vandalised during the coronavirus lockdown following unfounded conspiracy theories saying the form of wireless communication causes Covid-19.

Theorists have claimed the fifth-generation wireless standard, which began widespread deployment last year, emits radiation that lowers the immune system.

Despite providing essential communications technology during the pandemic, 5G masts have been subject to arson attacks throughout the UK.

cientists and government experts have dismissed theories linking 5G exposure to Covid-19 and a weakened immune system as being completely false and having no basis in scientific fact.

‘Based on our study, we don’t think 5G radiation is that harmful,’ said Dr Subham Dasgupta at the Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology at Oregon State University.

‘It’s predominately benign.’

5G provides faster connectivity and more bandwidth, meaning higher download speeds for internet users, and more capacity and connectivity for billions of devices.

In their research paper, published in PLOS ONE, the team write that the potential for health effects from higher radio-frequency radiation should be examined as concerns ‘over their potential health impacts are ongoing’.

To learn more, researchers conducted experiments using embryonic zebrafish, an organism often used to discover interactions between potential environmental stressors and biological systems.

Around 70 per cent of human genes are found in zebrafish, according to scientists, which makes them well suited as lab models.

Zebrafish and humans have similar developmental processes and are similar on a genomic level, meaning the results of experiments on them can be confidently applied to humans.

Dr Dasgupta and his colleagues exposed embryonic zebrafish for two days to 3.5 GHz radio-frequency radiation – the frequency typically used by 5G-enabled phones.

The zebrafish embryos were placed on plates, which were put inside a box made of copper dubbed ‘the exposure chamber’.

The radiation entered the box through an antennae and the copper kept the radiation from escaping.

The experts found no significant impacts on mortality, how the embryos formed or their behavioural response to light.

Adult zebrafish in the lab. Around 70 per cent of human genes are found in zebrafish, according to scientists, which makes them well suited as lab models

They did find a modest impact on a test that measures the embryos’ response to a sudden sound that they will investigate further.

Future research will look at the 5G radiation effects on the same zebrafish used in the study at a gene level and as they develop from embryos to adults.

In the future, the team want to study the impacts of higher frequencies and higher exposure levels on zebrafish using the same methods.

Scientists, top doctors and other experts have already debunked the theory that 5G radiation causes harm to humans in response to wacky claims regarding its safety.

Conspiracy theorists have variously suggested that 5G waves lowers people’s immune systems, causes the symptoms or contraction of Covid-19 and ‘poisons cells in our bodies’.

NHS GP Gero Baiarda said 5G does not weaken the immune system and that viruses cannot travel by radio wave and only enter the body at specific points.

Dr Baiarda dismissed claims that 5G signals act to weaken the human immune system, saying 5G radio waves ‘carry too little energy to cause harm’ and that 5G occupies the same wavelengths ‘as those previously used by analogue TV’.


One theory claims that the coronavirus originated in Wuhan because the city had been rolling out 5G.

It suggests it has been spread to other cities that are also using 5G.

Other theories suggest that the radiation emitted by 5G masts lowers the immune system of people nearby.

One version of this theory suggests the radiation sucks the oxygen out of the atmosphere and disrupts the regular functioning of the human body.

Scientists have described the claims as baseless and a biological ‘impossibility’.

‘The wavelengths emitted from your microwave oven are more powerful than 5G – both are perfectly safe,’ he said.

On its website, the World Health Organization (WHO) says no adverse health effect has been causally linked with exposure to wireless technology to date after much research.

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‘Tissue heating is the main mechanism of interaction between radio-frequency fields and the human body,’ WHO explains.

‘Radio-frequency exposure levels from current technologies result in negligible temperature rise in the human body.

As the frequency increases, there is less penetration into the body tissues and absorption of the energy becomes more confined to the surface of the body (skin and eye).

‘Provided that the overall exposure remains below international guidelines, no consequences for public health are anticipated.’

Radiation watchdog International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has also already stated that 5G is safe and poses ‘no health risks’ .

The watchdog found no risks of cancer or other illnesses from exposure to the frequencies used in fifth generation networks, after studying seven years of data.


The evolution of the G system started in 1980 with the invention of the mobile phone which allowed for analogue data to be transmitted via phone calls.

Digital came into play in 1991 with 2G and SMS and MMS capabilities were launched.

Since then, the capabilities and carrying capacity for the mobile network has increased massively.

More data can be transferred from one point to another via the mobile network quicker than ever.

5G is expected to be 100 times faster than the currently used 4G.

Whilst the jump from 3G to 4G was most beneficial for mobile browsing and working, the step to 5G will be so fast they become almost real-time.

That means mobile operations will be just as fast as office-based internet connections.

Potential uses for 5g include:

  • Simultaneous translation of several languages in a party conference call
  • Self-driving cars can stream movies, music and navigation information from the cloud
  • A full length 8GB film can be downloaded in six seconds.

5G is expected to be so quick and efficient it is possible it could start the end of wired connections.

By the end of 2020, industry estimates claim 50 billion devices will be connected to 5G.

The evolution of from 1G to 5G. The predicted speed of 5G is more than 1Gbps - 1,000 times greater than the existing speed of 4G and could be implemented in laptops of the future 

Source: Source: Dailymail

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