A method of recycling plastic waste into a material for making supercapacitors has been developed by Scientists at UC Riverside.
“Thirty percent of the global car fleet is expected to be electric by 2040, and high cost of raw battery materials is a challenge,” says Mihri Ozkan, UCR professor of electrical engineering, “using waste from landfill and up-cycling plastic bottles could lower the total cost of batteries while making the battery production sustainable on top of eliminating plastic pollution worldwide.”
Among plastics, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is used on a massive scale in various sectors of industry, including the automotive, textile, and packaging.
Utilising an electrospinning fiber production technique, we have successfully upcycled PET waste bottle into electrochemical active carbon material that functions as a double‐layer supercapacitor substance.
The electrochemical characterisation of the as‐prepared material consisting of cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanostatic cycling with potential limitation (GCPL), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analyses revealed that the generated medium has combined characteristics of both double‐layer and redox reaction pseudo‐capacitance with self‐strengthening effect along cycling.
Source: electronicsweekly