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Leading Power Digitalization For A Smart And Sustainable World

Hosted by Informa Tech and co-hosted by Huawei, the Africa Green ICT Forum was successfully held. The theme of this online forum is “Leading Power Digitalization for a Smart and Sustainable world”. Experts from all over the world share their experiences and explore how to use technological innovations to help save energy and reduce emissions in various industries and realize the coexistence of science and technology with nature.

With the rapid development of emerging technologies such as 5G, cloud, AI, big data, and the IoT, a digital transformation has kicked off, opening the digital age where things are sensing, connected, and intelligent, “ubiquitous Connected, omnipresent intelligence” is becoming a reality. However, because of the lack of power, many parts of the world still do not have access to ICT infrastructure services. For example, Africa has 1.2 billion people, but 50% of them do not have access to electricity. There is a huge energy gap. This can be related to challenges, such as consumption growth, long construction period, and high operation costs, faced by the current energy infrastructure.

The transformation and upgrading of the energy industry will help the energy divide, green and reliable energy, and enable remote regions of the world to enjoy more technological civilization.

“Energy, as the foundation of the digital world, has become a key part and an important point of competitiveness in the digital economy.”Fang Liangzhou, the Chief Marketing Officer of Huawei Digital Power Product Line, Huawei, pointed out that “The entire industry needs to attach greater importance to energy.  Huawei integrates traditional power technologies and digital technologies to achieve power digitalization. In this way, we can use ‘Bit to manage Watt’, and provide simple, green, smart, and reliable digital power solutions to solve challenges faced by traditional power industry.”

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GSMA is very concerned about the application of clean energy. DULIP TILLEKERATNE who is the Senior Market Engagement Manager at GSMA said,” In Africa, almost 32% of all towers are located either in off-grid or bad-grid areas and these towers still powered by non-renewable sources. We can work towards reducing this through industry focused and ecosystem focused approach.

Paolo Gemma, Chairman of ITU-T SG5 WP2 Environment, Energy Efficiency and the Circular Economy and Vice-chairman of ETSI EE2 Working Group power supply, has a deep understanding of the industry. “Industry development and technological innovation cannot be separated from standards. A good standard can lead the rapid development of the entire industry. The establishment of energy standards is based on the latest technologies and industry development trends. Based on these standards, we build greener energy solutions that are cost-effective, efficient, and easy to evolve, and promote green networks and sustainable development.”

Speaking of how to deliver efficient networks while being green and energy-saving, Mr. Kassim Diallo, Directeur du Pole Etudes et Planification chez Orange Mali and Director of the Studies and Planning Department of Orange Mali, said, “Orange Group focuses on energy saving and emission reduction in network construction. In response to the Group’s strategy, Orange Mali is the first to implement digital,intelligent and green innovation solutions to minimize fuel consumption and maintenance costs, and make full use of green energy to reduce carbon emissions. Our aims to build a green and energy-efficient advanced network.”

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Innovative ICT technologies accelerate the development of the digital world, bring new ideas, models and practices to all industries, and also change the way people live.  But at the same time, environmental climate is affecting the survival of everything. ICT plays a dual role in climate change. On the one hand, ICT needs to reduce its own carbon emissions and on the other hand, ICT, as an important technology, needs to help other industries reduce their carbon emissions.

Human society is becoming more and more intelligent, the environmental problem has been paid more and more attention by all countries. In the future, Huawei will continue to work with global operators to innovate ICT products and solutions, which can help various industries reduce carbon emissions and build a green, low-carbon and smart world.

About Huawei

Huawei is one of the world’s leading suppliers of infrastructure and intelligent devices in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT). With integrated solutions in four key areas – telecommunications networks, IT, smart devices and cloud services

Source: allafrica

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