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How To Create Converting Facebook Ads

Getting traffic is easy with ad copy. Improving your conversion rates, however – not so easy! 

Improving your click-through rate requires improving ad copy that lasers in on your target audience.

If you’re looking for the best platform to reach your customers, then you should consider Facebook for lead gen. It’s a huge, ready-made market, with an estimated 1.39 billion active monthly users, according to B2C. It is the behemoth social network.

Driving customers – not just visitors – to your landing page is the best way to make sales. A great way to start is with a conversion-based Facebook ad campaign.

With Facebook’s advertising platform, you’ve got access to an audience that shows actual interest in your offer. You can bring them to your site by crafting irresistible ads.

Ultimately, your Facebook ad campaign will only be effective if your landing page is optimized for the user. Otherwise, you’ll most likely struggle to generate leads with your Facebook ads and not generate website conversion.

When it comes to raising your conversion rate, you’ve got to thoroughly research your audience. No matter how much you have to invest in your ad campaign, start by making sure that you’re targeting your ideal customers. You need to show up in their news feed otherwise the social network won’t help you.

Without further ado, let see  how to run a conversion-based Facebook ad campaign that’ll grow your revenue with website conversion.

  • Step #1: Interest-Based Targeting
  • Step #2: Craft a Compelling Lead Magnet
  • Step #3: Build High-Converting Landing Pages for Facebook Leads
  • Step #4: Drive Qualified Traffic to Your Landing Page From Facebook
  • Step #5: Low-Friction Conversions
  • Step #6: Constantly Monitor, Tweak, and Refine Campaigns
  • Step #7. Not Working? Check for these Common Problems

Step #1: Interest-Based Targeting

Facebook ad targeting is unrivaled in its versatility. You can target your ads based on user location, age, gender, interest, relationship status, education and more.

Step #2: Craft a Compelling Lead Magnet

A lead magnet is basically an ethical bribe. It’s what you offer to your leads to persuade them to give you their email address and other contact information.

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Step #3: Build High-Converting Landing Pages for Facebook Leads

The moment that you create a landing page, your mindset will shift towards conversion rate – which is where it needs to be. After all, that’s all that matters, once you start attracting Facebook clicks and visitors to your page.

Your landing page should have elements – such as the headline, subtitle and call to action (CTA) – that can be tested and improved.

Changing your CTA button color or position can have a significant impact on your conversion rate.

Step #4: Drive Qualified Traffic to Your Landing Page From Facebook

Facebook PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising is a great source of traffic for your landing page. Smart content marketers leverage the #1 social media platform to generate high-quality traffic with website conversion of visitors into customers.

If you’ve got the requisite marketing budget for both organic and PPC traffic, you’ll see better results, compared to using one platform alone (such as PPC or organic search).


Step #5: Low-Friction Conversions

Improving your conversions is the ultimate goal of every PPC ad campaign. It’s little wonder that 85% of search marketing experts will pay more attention to conversion rate optimization (CRO) this year.

Many people are using Facebook advertising the wrong way. If you haven’t created a way to capture and nurture your audience, you’ll waste a lot of money.

Low-friction conversions are the best approach, when running a Facebook ad campaign. Smart Facebook PPC advertisers don’t come to Facebook to make sales. Instead, they offer a high-quality lead magnet to their users, in order to get them to subscribe to an email list.

Step #6: Constantly Monitor, Tweak, and Refine Campaigns

Facebook advertising isn’t hard, But that doesn’t mean it’s easy, either.

It takes a lot of hard work. And there’s a lot of moving pieces to organize in order to transform complete strangers into loyal customers.

That starts by making sure you’re using the proper audience targeting

Step #7. Not Working? Check for these Common Problems

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Successful ad campaigns can start off great.

Only for results to fall off a cliff after a few weeks. What’s happening?

The first thing to look for is ad fatigue.

Showing the same exact ad to the same exact audience for too long can result in them ‘tuning you out’ after awhile.

Facebook even recommends you switch up ad creative every week or two!

The next issue to look for is a problem with your frequency. This is closely related to the last problem, where people are basically seeing the same offer too often.

In this case, try sequential retargeting. This is where you try a few offers, one after the other, in order to eventually appeal to everyone.

For example, start things off with a nice and easy discount. They you can even start cycling through all of the different lead magnets we discussed earlier (like an eBook, then checklist, tool, email course, etc.).

Again, your goal is to promote different benefits of your business to hopefully catch their attention.

You can (and should) layer a time component onto this, too.

For example, dayparting can help you identify what days and times work best. So you can see if you’re overpaying during certain hours of the day (or over the weekend for example) when not enough people are converting.


If you create (and edit!) Facebook ads, you need to set up an ongoing system to review and analyze your ads. Then, you can effectively make tweaks to your campaign. This is how you pin down what works best for you.

But, if you abandon your ad and lose focus, you may end up driving the wrong people to your blog and waste your money in the process.

So, what’s the most important factor of every Facebook ad?

As I said earlier, the landing page offer, the landing page itself, the ad copy, the image, the call-to-action – they’re all vital.  They all work together to help you reach your target audience.

Source: neilpatel

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