Home > Civil > NESTEC 2022 PAPER: Carbon Sequestration: A Dependable Ally In The Fight Against Climate Change

NESTEC 2022 PAPER: Carbon Sequestration: A Dependable Ally In The Fight Against Climate Change


This research paper provides an in-depth analysis of carbon sequestration – an approach to climate mitigation. The paper provides an overview of carbon, its forms, and impact on the environment (emission of greenhouse gases (GHG)) and climate (global warming), and how it is affecting Nigerian communities – which form the foundation of which is paper is structured. At the Crux of this paper, carbon sequestration was discussed, its forms (terrestrial, ocean, and geological) were discussed, and also supporting its explanation with figures. It further explains each form of sequestration with experiments. The paper concluded by enumerating how carbon sequestration reduces the impact of climate change events in Nigeria.

Author: Odu Sunday Bancha

Supervising Lecturer: Dr. Bisallah Hassim Ibrahim

Keywords: Carbon,  Climate change, GHG, global warming, mitigation, and sequestration.

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CARBON SEQUESTRATION-A Dependable Ally In The Fight Against Climate Change

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60 thoughts on “NESTEC 2022 PAPER: Carbon Sequestration: A Dependable Ally In The Fight Against Climate Change

      1. Impressive write up. Keep up the good work💯


        1. You tried with this your research work and it is so much delightful.
          My question on the paper are:
          1. What’s the economical advantages of the carbon sequestration.
          2. Can carbon sequestration be adopted to ensure a cleaner environment?
          3. What’s the full meaning of the GNG as used in the write up


          1. Thanks for your questions. Below are the answers to your questions:
            1. Carbon sequestration has quite a number of advantages in selected sectors of any country. Being particular about Nigeria, it is would reduced the level of toxic carbon emission during combustion in industries, and during the processing of materials.

            In the power sector, it is capable of reducing the cost of power consumption. That is, when there is low carbon production, there is a reduction in power consumption. This in turns, reduces the cost of paying for electric bills for the common man.

            It also provides an uncommon opportunity for local private companies and public organizations to set up Carbon sequestration industries – thereby creating jobs for its citizens. Investors will be willing to work with the country especially in the agricultural sector – without fear of losing out because of climate change events.

            Lastly it reduces the rate of vulnerability of agricultural activity to climate change events like extreme weather conditions.


          2. 2. Yes, the sole aim of carbon sequestration is to ensure clean environment. In air, on land, and in the water, we all need not only a clean environment, but also a green environment where we live with sustainability.

            Practicing carbon sequestration will establish not only a safe Nigeria, but also, a Green and sustainable Nigeria


          3. GNG? Or you meant GHG?.

            GHG stands for Greenhouse Gases. They are toxic gases from combustion and other processes. They are responsible for climate change events


  1. This is Apt And Absolutely Amazing,
    You Nailed it.

    Very Interesting


    1. Thanks.. please feel free to ask questions


    1. Thanks Sherifat. This is indeed apt


    1. I am grateful for reading through. Thanks for engaging


  2. Congratulations, sir! Your publication of a paper that is completely, tangentially, or otherwise unrelated to your primary field of study in computer science is a historical accomplishment that demonstrates your capacity for multidisciplinary research success. Congratulations once more!


    1. Yes, Gaius little is know about carbon sequestration in Nigeria. This will be an eye opener. So, solving problem is not about your niche, but what solutions you have at your disposal.


    1. Thank you Alex.. let’s continue the Good work


    1. Thanks. Feel free to ask questions


    1. Thanks israel. Please I would love to entertain your questions regarding your view about the paper. Feel free to ask your question in the comments box



    1. Yes Sekinat. You are right. Please I would love to entertain your questions regarding your view about the paper. Feel free to ask your question in the comments box



  3. Wow…an approach to climate mitigation. A problem the country is too engaged to notice, this is insightful as well as educative.


    1. Yes Oluwatobi. You are right. Please I would love to entertain your questions regarding your view about the paper. Feel free to ask your question in the comments box



  4. What an incredible job, Top notch!!

    The experiments you actually carried out, how long did it take for you to come up with results?


    1. The experiment stated in the paper were extracts from literature reviews. However, the duration to carry out carbon sequestration, depends on the form of sequestration. But to get an average accuracy a minimum of 5weeks will do. Be it geological, oceanic, or terrestrial.


  5. Good Work.
    Are there ways we can mitigate the CO2 emissions from the various machines and devices and reduce the climate changes on the environment?


    1. Emission of CO2 from machines and device are trapped in air and settles within the terrestrial ecosystem and geological formation. Thus, terrestrial Carbon sequestration and the geological sequestration are the available was of dealing with such.


  6. Can this theory or approach work in other countries?


    1. It has worked in countries in Europe and Asia.. and Nigeria will not be an exception.


  7. This paper is important, and also come up with many measure that is indeed considerable and in need to our environment and nation in general.
    Surely there is need of this kind paper so that people will be enlighten about the effect of that climate change and accept the way prevention.

    Wish you best of luck.


  8. Emission of CO2 from machines and device are trapped in air and settles within the terrestrial ecosystem and geological formation. Thus, terrestrial Carbon sequestration and the geological sequestration are the available was of dealing with such.


  9. Some regions in the South South of Nigeria experiencing oil pollution are facing challenges with their water bodies. Is Ocean Carbon Sequestration (OCS) still possible in such regions?

    How expensive can carbon sequestration be in Nigeria? So that individual states like Lagos can implement OCS, Cross River can implement TCS, and Plateau State can implement GCS.


    1. Yes…OCS is possible in the South South… By the use of volcanic Ash. However, this could involved getting volcanic Ash from countries who have the material (volcanic Ash). The volcanic Ash are put inside the water body and the ash absorbs what needs the sequestration.
      In regards to the Ash, it because a means of employment for Young people who are ready to import volcanic Ash from the countries who have them.

      On your second question. All the forms of carbon sequestration are quite natural… Cross river has a good Terrestrial Ecosystem, Plateau has an incredible rock and geological ecosystem and the Lagos is sorounded by water Bodies..hence it is less expensive to practice the forgoing In the stated areas than areas where they aren’t much available.


  10. 1. Did you carryout any experiment on the carbon sequestration in Nigeria? This is because all your results are from other experiments outside Nigeria
    2. Which of the three forms of Carbon sequestration is best suited to Nigeria and why?


    1. Thank you so much for the questions.

      1. The experiment was not carried out in Nigeria. However, the experiments used in the paper are lessons-to be-learnt from. And they serve as guide to what should be experimented in Nigeria.

      2. Based on my current research on carbon sequestration, I found out that Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration (TCS) is the most suitable for Nigeria amongst others. This is because virtually all regions and States in Nigeria are blessed with Trees, Soils, and other biological resources for TCS. However, geology carbon sequestration can work in the Northern region (especially in Plateau and Abuja), and ocean carbon sequestration can work in riverine areas of the country.

      Thank you for this opportunity.


  11. Odu Sunday Bancha
    1. How does carbon sequestration reduce Green House emission
    2. With the large cloud of CO2 , how is the project going to cover a wide space of CO2


    1. Thank you for these questions

      1.Carbon sequestration reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) by capturing GHG in the air via direct air capture (DAC) or indirect air capture, and then stored in geological formation – reducing the amount of GHG from industrial and human-based activities.

      2. It may take a bit of time to get zero-carbon in the air. However, with consistency and continual use of the various process as highlighted in the research paper, the project will be able to reduce a significant amount of GHG.

      Once again, thank you.


  12. 1. Several researches have been conducted in this regard, what would the proposed approach do differently in tackling climate change in Nigeria?
    2. The focus of this paper is to mitigate climate change in Nigeria as a result of constant emission of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, with the increase in population in Nigeria, will this approach still be relevant in few years’ times?. Moreso, you presented to two approaches adopted by other researchers outside Nigeria, why do you think the same approach will perform better in Nigeria?


  13. Thank you so much for these questions.

    1. Based on my findings, I observed that researches have been made in regards to climate mitigation. However, this particular research is one of the few that particularly discusses about carbon sequestration. Obviously, climate change is caused by GHG emissions (especially CO2). Thus, carbon sequestration ( also called carbon capture technology) captures accumulated CO2 in the atmosphere – coming from industrial processes as well as human activities. This in turn mitigate the adverse effects that are supposed to harm the vulnerable location.

    2. Till today, carbon sequestration more researches and new findings are happening around the world – with no exception to Nigeria. In Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, as well as America and Europe, this theproach has become the basis for mitigating carbon emissions for the future. Thus, it is the future’s technology for tackling climate change.

    Considering that Nigeria is blessed with geological formations, large water bodies, and lands; any of the two approaches stated in this paper can work. For me, the only factor that might stymie this approach is policy- influenced by leadership and governance.

    Thank you for this opportunity.



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