The tools
To develop an internal learning community, Samir Ahmed designed a combination of digital tools and introduced these to professionals in building services. Interactions of professionals on those platforms and learning activities on an e-learning portal were then analysed. Based on the findings, a new visualization tool for remote service providers to buildings was then developed.The feedback on the tool demonstrated the benefits of the tool towards initiating the exchange of insight and knowledge between different stakeholders. Moreover, the tool can bring the benefits of data analytics without the requirement of coding by professionals who have no prior experience in programming or data pre-processing.
Preserving and sharing knowledge
Along with formal learning networks like online training and physical workshops, informal learning occurs through communication over the phone, email, or physical interaction. The designed tools will bring most of those valuable and relevant communications within the digital platform which can be utilized by other professionals of the organization.In addition, the easy-to-use tools will contribute to changing the culture of communities to adopt lifelong learning on the job. As a result, they can practice data-driven decision-making processes to bring energy-efficient operation strategies to buildings.Source: .tue.nl