Home > Civil > NESTEC 2022 PAPER: Design Of An IoT-Based Smart Voting System

NESTEC 2022 PAPER: Design Of An IoT-Based Smart Voting System


Voting has become an integral part for every nation practicing democracy especially in Nigeria. Considering the electoral system of the country is very poor and various process are involved in manipulating and rigging the votes of citizens, in turn causing bad governance, mayhem and destruction across the country as citizen do not have a standard voting system free of manipulation and any form of electoral malpractice. The proposed IOT Based Smart Voting System has two- factor authentication which are the Biometric Fingerprint Authentication to make use of the uniqueness of human fingerprint and A Cam Scanner to match the fingerprint and face. The system is designed to register voters online and save it in a database then whenever there is an ongoing election, voters can just go into the system, log-on with their fingerprint and a face ID then cast their vote by simply tapping the touchscreen of the system, viewing different candidates and their party plus having interactive session with An Embedded AI voice. Votes are casted and immediately sent to the Electoral Body Database System, saving the casted votes in few Nano seconds with the aid Iots and Microcontrollers in general.

Author: Abdullahi Aliyu

Supervising Lecturer: Abdulbasid Ismail Isa

Keywords: ESP32 CAM, Fingerprint, IOT, INEC, TFT Display and Voter

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Click Link Below For Full Paper, Questions and make your COMMENTS


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38 thoughts on “NESTEC 2022 PAPER: Design Of An IoT-Based Smart Voting System

  1. This is actually a nice and innovative project it should be considered as it will help to curb rigging and other form of illicit electoral malpractices


  2. Took my time to read your paper line by line, i must say I’m very impressed. A technology like this if implemented will definitely change our nation’s electoral system and curb malpractices for good. Well done!


  3. This is so nice of you guys. I expected nothing less anyways. Keep soaring higher.


  4. Good bro
    I’m impressed 👍😁


  5. That’s nice…please feel free to ask questions too


  6. Wow! This is a massive innovative idea, I believe if this can be implemented in Nigeria electoral system, it’ll help crub away all election malpractice.


    1. No doubt about that::: Feel free to ask questions and it will be a pleasure to do justice to it


  7. Only if our government would understand that indeed systems like this work, then we’d be able to regulate electoral activities.
    This research/project is no doubt something worth implementing;the innovations here are top notch.


  8. This is very commendable.


  9. What a good and welcoming Technnolgical idea, if implemented (especially in Nigeria) it would considerably reduce electoral misconducts.

    But how and in which way the electoral results gathered from such Technology would securely delivered to the INEC national headquarter (Collection Center), is it delivered instantly or the other way?


  10. Interesting question Ahmad Rufai, you see that’s why its called “Internet of Things” (IOT) when a vote is casted by a person immediately the result will be sent to INEC cloud storage and it can be accessed by any authorised INEC coalition officer…Thank you for your question and I hope I have answered your question??


  11. Your paper is enlightening.
    But my question is, what are the possible challenges an IoT-based system of voting may face. And what do you recommend as a way out of the challenges?


    1. Thank you for asking..The system may face any of the two challenges:-
      1. Power Failure: This can be curtailed when a solar system is implemented as a backup to the constant power supply.
      2. Internet Traffic: A lot of traffics will be generated on the site but the solution to this will be cater for by Network Engineers as they are best equipped to direct traffics and make the site flawless of any attacks


  12. You tried with this your write up..
    Indeed NIGERIA electoral body need to upgrade to standard level.
    But my question here is, what if someone come to cast vote twice?.
    Can the system detect that the person have casted the vote before?


    1. Yes…The system is built upon an algorithm that detects whether a vote is cast twice or more. When it detects that, it gives the voter and IT personnel nearby a red alert signal and the voter will be excused from the system since the vote has already been cast more than once. Thank you for that question


  13. Excellent.
    Nice work seriously… keep it up👏
    I hope this IT should be implemented.
    It’s nice easy and less time consuming


  14. Yes sure…the system is built to cater to the lapses in our conventional voting system


  15. Thank you for proposing such a great idea.

    What method of powering will the proposed system be using?


    1. It will be powered by solar energy system, in other to get constant power supply plus it could have another source of electricity for backup and work hand in hand with the solar system with batteries


  16. Wow very nice, keep it up bro


  17. It’s a great one sir…I must really comment on the proficiency of this idea..

    My question is ” if a registered voter decided to vote twice…how can the system dictate such malpractice?”

    Thank you sir


    1. The system is built upon an algorithm that detects whether a vote is cast twice or more. When it detects that:
      1.it gives the voter a warning that he/she has already casted a vote, then if the voter persist;

      2. The system alerts an IT/INEC personnel nearby and the voter will be excused from the system since the vote has already been cast more than once.


    2. The system is built upon an algorithm that detects whether a vote is cast twice or more. When it detects that:
      1.it gives the voter a warning that he/she has already casted a vote, then if the voter persist;

      2. The system alerts an IT/INEC personnel nearby and the voter will be excused from the system since the vote has already been cast more than once. Thank you


  18. What a nice job you’ve done,,
    So how can we implement this system in Nigeria I mean how it goes every where?


    1. The implementation could be as easy as installing ATM machines in various polling units all over the country. Not actually working like an ATM machine but more sophisticated than that and it’s user interactive plus scalable.

      Thank you.


  19. 1. Is your system using Bi-modal verification? What is the technical reason for having both fingerprint and facial recognition in voter authentication?
    2. The buzzer component in your design is missing in the flowchart, what is the place and function of the buzzer in your design?


    1. 1.Yes it uses Bi-Modal Verification, the technical reason for using both is to cater for shortcomings of one against the other, say for instance the fingerprint module/sensor fails, the face recognition will at least cater for the failure pending when the problem would be addressed and vice versa
      2. That might be a typographical error, didn’t noticed till now, surely will effect correction soonest. The function of the buzzer in the design is to alert security personnel about anything inappropriate that is going on within the system.


  20. QUESTION:Abdullahi Aliyu:
    1. What Security measure are you putting in place to guide against voters result being tampered with in the cloud
    2. How will you network all other polling stations to the cloud


    1. 1. As per security measures put in place, will be best answered by IT Security Expert who will look into the loopholes and vulnerability of the site when been designed.
      2. Cloud related questions are best answered when the system comes into working, and IT experts will know best on how to do cloud connection of the various polling unit system.Moreso, I focused more on the electronics aspect of the entire system


  21. What is the difference between the proposed solution and existing approaches?

    2. Various techniques adopted in this research are already in existence, again, in your flowchart diagram, depicted that only a fingerprint is allowed for voter verification during the voting process which means that if the fingerprint module or device fails to recognize a voter’s thumbprint such a voter would not be allowed to cast his/her vote, interestingly, BVAS machine used for 2023 general elections possesses dual verification in which a voter can be verified using either thumbprint or face, in view of the above, what is the relevance of this system and why do you think your system should be adopted for use in place of the existing ones?


  22. 1.The difference between this approach and the already existed approaches is that; This approach has the tendency to send results immediately after votes has been casted to the cloud without interference of Presiding officers which might rig the election results.
    2. The relevance of the system as already stated in(1), it will make the elections to be free,fair and credible with no doubt or glitches from the result



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