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NESTEC 2023 PAPER: The Role Of Engineers In Tackling Climate Change And Mitigating Its Effect


The Earth is warming and climate change is real, yet the average public’s perception of this issue is greatly biased. There is currently very little actual threat, much less than what the media is predicting will happen in the future. It should be addressed in a manner that prioritises global issues more fairly. At this point, the media’s and politicians’ exaggeration and propaganda are more detrimental than global warming since they have only produced a segregated and divisive dichotomy of opposing viewpoints that have been pushed to such extremes that no compromise or advancement is imaginable. Our contribution is equivalent to adding a drop of red dye once a day to an Olympic-sized swimming pool. Our scientists have only now discovered the slightest difference in the pool water after 150 years of this. The rate of change is extremely slow, and the degree of change is hardly detectable, but if it is not stopped, it will ultimately turn the pool redder over a long period. With the help of this research, engineers will be better able to play their roles in combating climate change.


Keywords: Climate change, Earth, global issues, media, politicians and warming.

Author: Ebong, Ekemini Paul

Supervising Lecturer: Uduak Eyibio Promise

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The Role Of Engineers In Tackling Climate Change And Mitigating Its Effect

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30 thoughts on “NESTEC 2023 PAPER: The Role Of Engineers In Tackling Climate Change And Mitigating Its Effect

  1. What specific engineering solutions that are being developed to address climate change?


  2. One of the solutions that can address climate change is carbon capture and storage. It involves capturing CO2 from plant or any other industrial facilities and storing it underground or dispose it in an ocean. Another way of tackling climate change is through renewable energy which helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


  3. The write-up underscores the need for a balanced approach to address climate change, emphasizing the slow but potentially significant impact and the role of media and politicians in shaping public perception. How can we ensure a more balanced and informed discourse on climate change to avoid extreme viewpoints and foster effective global cooperation?


    1. One way to promote balanced and informed discourse is through education and public awareness campaigns. It’s important to make sure that people have access to accurate information about climate change and its impacts. In addition, it’s important to create a safe space for open and respectful dialogue on this issue, where people from different perspectives can come together to find solutions. Governments, businesses, and civil society organizations can all play a role in promoting balanced and informed discourse on climate change.


  4. Who is solely responsible for the regulation of climate change, the companies releasing Green house gases that cause Global warming or the Government of each respective countries?


    1. Both the companies and governments have a role to play in addressing climate change. Companies can reduce their greenhouse gas emissions through the use of cleaner technologies, improved efficiency, and renewable energy sources. Governments can pass laws and regulations to encourage companies to reduce their emissions and they can also provide incentives for renewable energy development. At the same time, individuals can make choices that can reduce this emissions . It’s a shared responsibility, and everyone has a role to play in tackling climate change.


    1. Thank you faith. I appreciate. Together we can help curb the after effect of climate change in your environment.


    1. Thank you uwakmfon! As an individual we also have a part to play in this.


  5. What regulatory bodies are responsible for climate change and the environemt in general?
    Please enlighten me


    1. There are so many bodies but I will mention a few of them.
      At the international level, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is a key organization, as is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for implementing environmental laws and regulations.


    2. This is a very educative and eye opener paper work. After going through the paper am really glad that they are ways engineers are working to mitigate climate change. Bravo!!!


  6. Amazing read

    The common man thinks that our climate changes rapidly due to human activities. That’s what we all thought

    I believe this article will educated people better


    1. It’s true that human activities are a major factor in climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and other human activities are causing the planet to warm. However, it’s also important to remember that there are natural factors that affect the climate, such as solar activity and volcanic eruptions. These natural factors can have short-term impacts on the climate, but they’re not responsible for the long-term trend of warming that we’re seeing today. So, while humans are a significant contributor to climate change, it’s not the only factor.


  7. This is really beautiful.
    Is there a statistical record showing that crop rotation and inter-croping has over years tackled climate change?


  8. How can Engineers help to improve the public’s understanding of climate change?


    1. There is some evidence that crop rotation and intercropping can help to mitigate the effects of climate change. For example, studies have shown that these practices can increase soil fertility and organic matter, which can help to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and improve the soil’s resilience to drought. Additionally, some studies have found that these practices can increase crop yields and reduce water and fertilizer use.


  9. One way that engineers can help to improve public understanding of climate change is through effective communication.
    By explaining the scientific evidence for climate change and dispelling myths, engineers can help people to understand the issue and make informed decisions. It’s also important to engage the public in a two-way dialogue, so that people can ask questions and learn more about the topic.


  10. Instead of releasing CO2 into the air the companies can as well use them in crypto mining in that way make money and saving the World and the future generations


    1. It’s certainly possible to use CO2 for crypto mining, and there are already some companies exploring this idea. The basic premise is to capture the CO2 emissions from a power plant or other source and use it to power the computers used for crypto mining.


  11. Great work!

    The CO2 when released into the ocean what is the effects on aquatic bodies

    Is it safe to do so?


    1. The release of CO2 into the ocean can have a number of effects on aquatic bodies. One of the most significant is ocean acidification, which occurs when CO2 dissolves in the water and reacts with it to form carbonic acid. This can cause the pH of the water to decrease, making it more acidic. In turn, this can affect the ability of marine organisms to build their shells and skeletons, and can have negative impacts on the food chain. Additionally, ocean acidification can reduce the amount of oxygen available to marine organisms, which can have a range of consequences.


  12. What a nice article!
    I’m grateful to you for writing such an educative paper. Thank you, Sir.


    1. I appreciate Prince. I’m glad you found out time to read.


  13. I think this is a good paper. However, as pertaining to the process of implementation of these ideas, I don’t think the engineers play a major enforcement role as compared with the government. What do you have to say about this


  14. If heavy industries switch to low-carbon production, how efficient will their production be in terms of their production rate?

    Do you think transferring innovative research and technology from laboratories to the real world has been growing steadily in Nigeria? This is because most researchers and innovators making prototypes and providing innovative solutions to climate change are not academics.


  15. It’s a very good thing to see a youth of 21st century sit down study and see how to impact his society.
    I must say it’s such a nice piece Paul.

    The regular users of Engineering products that releases GHG may be adding droplets of red ink into the large pool and this can be controlled by some measures you stated.
    So my question is what about those acting like children by adding full teaspoon of the ink daily with full consciousness of it’s effects, by this I mean bunkers? What measures can be taken?

    Also some start up industries that also contribute to this effects how do we regulate them because for my best of knowledge, the multi-national guys are really working on this effects.


  16. What are the concepts of renewable energy and its importance in addressing climate change?



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