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COREN Calls For Pre-NYSC Residency For Engineering Graduates

The Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) has called for the resuscitation of compulsory residency for engineering graduates before going for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).

Its President, Prof. Sadiq Abubakar, stated this at the 32nd COREN Engineering Assembly.

Abubakar said the move for the compulsory residency was aimed at strengthening engineering practices in Nigeria as well as making graduates employable.

He said COREN was established as a statutory body with the mandate to regulate and control engineering education, training and practice in all ramifications.

According to him, COREN carries out its mandate by ensuring quality assurance of training institutions offering engineering through accreditation of engineering programmes in tertiary institutions.

“The National Universities Commission (NUC) and COREN have agreed to commence joint accreditation of engineering programmes in universities.

“This is similar the existing practice between ational Board for Technical Education,(NBTE) and COREN for the Polytechnics and Mono-technics.

“In line with the aspiration of COREN to meet the global standards of Sydney Accord (SA) and Dublin Accord (DA) under the IEA, NBTE and COREN have agreed to commence accreditation of technical colleges in Nigeria this coming academic session.

“In response to the goals of the current administration, the Council approved the resuscitation of Supervised Industrial Training Scheme in Engineering (SITSIE) under a new name of Engineering Residency Programme (EREP).’’

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Abubakar said  the plan is to engage the National Assembly to seek legislative backing for its funding by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) in line with the existing law.

“This is a one-year post-graduation training programme for all engineering graduates of an accredited university or polytechnic.

“It is designed to meet practical experience requirements for the purpose of registration with COREN as professional engineer or an engineering technologist similar to the practices of Medical and other professions.’’

Abubakar said that relevant organisations like NUC, NBTE, Manufacturing Association of Nigeria (MAN), Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), among others were contacted and all expressed their readiness to participate and support the laudable initiative.

He said that COREN equally ensures that all qualified engineering practitioners including technologists, technicians and craftsmen were certified through the registration process of the Council before they are licenced to practice in Nigeria.

He explained that this was necessary because only such registered engineering practitioners would be allowed to head engineering departments and units, and to supervise engineering projects.

He added that aligning with the current administration’s renewed hope agenda; the Council approved the creation of a new register for the cadre of engineering artisans in line with its mandate.

The president said the new National Skills Qualifications (NSQ) levels one to six under the NSQ framework included in the scheme of services of Nigeria has given the required recognition and backing to the holders of the NSQ levels to progress in their cadre without any hitch.

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Abubakar said that in the same vein, COREN being a member of National Skill Council (NSC), was charged to drive the Sector Skill Council for Engineering (SSC4E).

He said, “Arrangement has reached an advanced stage with NBTE and other relevant organisations for the inauguration of the SSC4E.

“This heralded the commencement of the processes of training, certification and licensing of Artisans in Engineering Sector in Nigeria.

“COREN is the awarding body, NBTE is the Regulatory body while Nigerian Academy of Engineering (NAE) will chair the Council (SSC4E) composed of nominees representing diverse interest groups in Engineering.

“These includes: employers of labour, professional bodies, academia, private sector, etc in line with NSQF manual.’’

Source: Nation

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