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Quantum Batteries Break Causality

Batteries that exploit quantum phenomena to gain, distribute and store power promise to surpass the abilities and usefulness of conventional chemical batteries in certain low-power applications. For the first time, researchers including those from the University of Tokyo take advantage of an unintuitive quantum process that disregards the conventional notion

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Biocomputer: Combined AI With Lab-Grown Human Brain

Researchers have built a hybrid biocomputer — combining a laboratory-grown human brain tissue with conventional electronic circuits — that can complete tasks such as voice recognition. The technology could one day be integrated into artificial-intelligence (AI) systems, or form the basis of improved models of the brain in neuroscience research. The researchers call

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Scientists Develop Transparent Wood For Smartphone Screens

Natural wood has been a key resource for construction, fuel, and furniture, valued for its versatility, renewability, and aesthetic charm. Yet, novel possibilities for wood are emerging as scientists devise methods to fine-tune the material's optical, thermal, mechanical, and ionic transport characteristics through chemical and physical alterations to its inherently porous structure

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AI Future May Not Come So Soon –OpenAI

OpenAI recently admitted that its large language model, ChatGPT 4, has become 'lazy', which could influence the progress of AI in the future. This revelation follows numerous user complaints about the model's deteriorated performance. OpenAI, the company behind the popular large language model ChatGPT, recently acknowledged that the model has become

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