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NESTEC Paper: Use Of Biogas In Relevance To The Needs Of The Nigerian Society


Sustainability in energy generation has been a major challenge in so many parts of the world. Nigeria, a country filled with over 170 million people is faced with several challenges such as; environmental pollutions from wastes, poor power supply, etc. According to tandfonline, the major energy source for this country lies in oil, hydropower and others which pose several effects in the environment. Even with these sources, power has never been sustainable.

The major checkpoint of a developed economy is the power sector and in the bid to develop Nigeria’s power sector, there must be a change in the strategy for Nigeria’s power generation to increase. Today in Nigeria, we have electrical power of about 13,427MW installed and available capacity of 8,342MW[FMIC press release, August 2019]. In Europe, biogas power generation hits 17,272GWh a year. [wiki, 27 May 2019].

Research has it that a kilogram of organic waste can produce over 20 kilograms of methane gas. This gas can be used for cooking at a very affordable price as well as a means for power generation. It reduces the greenhouse effect, generates storable energy resources, has low operating costs and creates a massive decrease in electricity and tariff bills to mention but a few. It is expected that the reform process postulated by this paper would bring the desired growth and reformation to the Nation’s power supply. The study analysis uses descriptive, statistical and reformative techniques duly constrained in this paper.

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KEYWORDS: Biogas technology, renewable energy, green organic matter, bio digesters, alternative power stability

Author: Ntah Frankline Eberechukwu

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96 thoughts on “NESTEC Paper: Use Of Biogas In Relevance To The Needs Of The Nigerian Society

  1. Nice writeup. How I wish this can be adopted as as alternative means of power generation in Nigeria.


    1. Well, it all depends on how committed we are to creating an alternative power generation

      I believe we can make it sir.


  2. Good idea but we need to create awareness among our people how to separate refuse.


    1. Very correct sir… A sensitization should be done in that regards


  3. It’s a very nice essay but do you think the government can find this…


    1. Find??

      I suppose you mean “fund”
      Well the Government of Nigeria is capable of funding biogas plants that can generate and transmit up to 10,000GHz of power


  4. Very well burnished and thoroughly organized essay
    Power is indeed a prominent challenge to the Nigerian economy which biogas indubitably plays a role in abating it, but what other usefulness of biogas are there? Even if it’s not as important as compared to power generation.


  5. Well sir, biogas’s usefulness lies not only in power generation.
    Let’s take a look through the essay, it’s based on biomass of green produce. Directly or indirectly, it increases agricultural extension services.
    Biogas can also be used for other purposes which may include cooking, drying, cooling… It’s not necessarily a must for power generation.
    Lastly, I would say it reduces greenhouse effect and increases fertility of the soil. But then, the essay focused primarily on power generation
    The list goes on and on. Thank you sir!!


  6. Nice work. How do you think the shift to biogas will impact our economy which is oil driven? Isn’t there a potentially negative impact?


  7. Well, funny enough, it reduces the over dependence on oil which makes oil more available for export and other related needs
    More impacts are clearly stated in the essay ranging from little greenhouse effect compared to fossil fuels and the tendency to be transmitted easily compared to other sources of power

    But then on the part of negative impact, the fact that it undergoes combustion exposes it to carbon monoxide release. Then e can also look at the negative temperature effect.


  8. This is apt!

    The solution to most of the problems we are plagued with, lie in the things around us and it is all within our reach.

    We need to be introspective and observant enough to think about the ‘why’ and ‘how’, that would help us identify the things that can bring about the change we seek.

    Kudos to you!

    However, I would like to know, can the production and usage of biogas and its green-substitutes be done on a small scale?
    i.e we keep waiting on the government to do right by us, but for once can this be done by the everyday man in rural or urban settlements?

    Is it possible for the tools to be improvised on to allow conversion of individual-generated waste to green energy, in the comfort of our homes?

    I believe that if there is a chance for individuals to produce the energy they consume, it would be more effective. However, if this is not possible at the moment, I would like to suggest that further research be done to simplify the process or create a system that would help with the process and can easily be bought like other innovative home appliances e.g. washing machine, blender etc.

    Thank you!


    1. Thank you very much for your observations, contribution and insights

      Well basically, biogas can be used also for such purposes as cooking and other small scale activities

      Biogas can also be extracted from individual generated waste, animal dungs and manure and the likes but the essay was limited to green energy sources

      I hope I am able to inform you properly… Please point out other areas you might need clarifications

      Thank you


      1. To buttress more on this fact, I remember stumbling on an article of a colleague of mine sometime ago which has to do with generating power through kitchen wastes.. It verified the fact that biogas generation is versatile and applicable in most activities


  9. The pros are endless…..beneficial to the campaign for a healthier environment and of course recycling. Although this method doesn’t come cheap and requires land mass and of course done in larg3 quantity.


    1. Very correct MA, but I hope to enlighten more on the cost implications, it comes expensive but stays cheap. After all set ups have been made, it has a lesser cost of transmission compared to fossil fuels power generation and of course hydroelectric power.

      For small scale purposes (which if course states the fact that it can be done in small quantities too) it barely needs a large mass area for it’s purpose

      Thank you. I hope I have done well to enlighten


    1. Thank you very much, please do well to contribute or propose questions if need be… I’ll be happy to attend to them


  10. Fleeing of Air from refinery is anoda one. If those air can be trapped, it could also serve as a means of energy.

    Good Writeup though!!!!


    1. The air is trapped basically for the prevention of monoxide gases and the likes but they can still be recycled… Thank you for the contribution


    1. Thank you sir…

      Do well to contribute and propose questions if need be, I’ll be happy to attend to them


  11. A very well written essay.
    our country relies too much on the present sources of power and energy without really looking into other alternative and more effective energy sources, in this case, biogas.
    One thing is that on a large scale we would need enough of organic waste which in the case of our country is quite abundant but the problem will be the gathering of these organic wastes, our country is not like some who have their major cities have a general or universal sewer linked to other minor sewers, I think this might be a problem; plus addi g the issue of a place so out of the range of people so as to keep them away from the impure gases like you stated.
    On a smaller scale, can more technologies be made available to aid in the clean use of this biogas in personal homes? also adding that it is not suitable for dense environments e.g. Lagos, unless it can be well managed and concealed.
    The idea and awareness concept is very encouraging, we can’t keep relying on oil as our major energy source. we just hope that our government can look into these other energy sources before our oil deteriorates in the estimated time of 2050.
    Good job Frankline


    1. Thank you sir…

      The distinct feature of biogas technology is that it can be adopted even for smaller usage. It is not only applicable for large scale power

      For every technological advancement, there’s always a limiting challenge. One if the limitations of biogas technology is that it is hardly generated in dense areas. But, it can still be achieved

      On the issue of channelling sewage… I hope to draw the fact that the essay is based on green source (agricultural) waste. It’s is therefore not much a stress in channelling these wastes

      Thank you Michael \nd I hope I am able to treat your questions appropriately.


  12. Mr Franklin you never seize to amaze me…
    This is actually a wonderful write up that analyses our electricity problem and also took time to give a probable solution…
    But the real problem that we have here is how do make FG see the feasibility of this project and mind you we can’t say they don’t know about it, but they had decided to keep quiet,if they can see the importance I can say our country sustainability electricity-wise is assured…

    You deserve accolades for this little research and have in mind “LITTLE BEGINNINGS, MASSIVE ENDS… Keep it up


    1. Thanks for the encouragement Gbolahan…

      Well, you were obviously correct when you said the government cannot deny they are not aware of this.

      Prior to the theme of the essay competition which catches the fact that we need ideas that can help resolve the problem of the Nigerian society which apparently power stability is the major, I sought to reconstruct ideas if biogas technology on a national essay such as this to remember awaken the mindset of the general public at large . More articles like this should be encouraged in all aspect and sectors so says my essay’s conclusion as it helps in the sensitization process

      Once again thank you for your contribution and I hope you do well to share articles like this to those around you as proper awareness need to be made


  13. Great work! but my question here is,”this biogas you are talking about, does it have any effect on individuals because you are dealing with different gases, will it have effect to the heart when it is inhale? or let me say ”issue of air pollution”? if yes what are the measures that is going to be taken to correct this problem.


    1. on the issue of air pollution sir…


      Bio-gas production risk involves explosion, suffocation, asphyxiation, hydrogen sulphide poisoning and other health dangers and hazards.

      extreme caution must be taken when working with bio-gas. Proper and standard safety measures, appropriate precautions, proper engineering controls and use of safety equipment should be practiced


  14. Wow ,frank this is awesome big time
    Nice essay,though some countries use biogas for fueling their cars,but for Nigeria what we need is exactly what you stated in your writeup

    I know funding isn’t gonna be an issue if the FG wants to really help.

    But Mr.frank its the people’s safety that should also be looked into like making sure the biogas farm is far from residential areas and its maintenance as well.

    I think this project if taken very serious…according to research,only the wastes in Lagos is enough for the country to generate enough power for years,not to talk of adding some other states as well



    1. Biogas is a very clean source of energy but then looking at unplanned risks and accidents, it is deemed necessary for a biogas power plant to be cited far from residential areas not only beacuse of the generation but of course transmission of high voltages can indeed cause harm


  15. Thank you sir… By default, biogas generation station is supposed to be sited far away from residential areas

    once again, thank you for your contribution


  16. Very Good Essay I must say, but then like i saw in your comment how achievable can this be if we decide not to wait for government, how feasible is it for me and my household to have this biogas technology at home.
    If you check people and homes have gone ahead to adopt solar panels without waiting for the government. So If it is something we can adopt each family it will be good or at most a community coming together to this will be great because Great things start small and it will go a long way to help us in the country.


    1. Thank you very much sir, biogss technology can be adopted also for home use. There are applications in homes already available but not so circulated
      It would be a thing of success if every home can adopt this “power saving technique” individually in small ways and then watch it grow to become a national project

      Thank you very much sir!


  17. Why is bio-gases set aside for the production of light only and give a correct chemical equation for it


  18. thank you very much sir.

    well sir, if you went through the essay, it was clearly stated that biogas is not only limited to electricity generation [“light”] ,the technology can also be used in driving engines among other purposes.

    “A correct chemical equation” is something am not clear with at the moment, would you mind to come clear, sir? or throw more light as regards that, sir?


  19. Nice write up bro…
    But why don’t you get a means of making this go viral for government representatives to see it???


    1. Thank you sir!

      The publishing of this essay on a platform like this is one of many means of doing so.

      Once again, thank you very much sir!


    1. Pleased to hear that MA!!

      thank you very much.


  20. I love it.It’s an idea we’ve been praying to God for Nigeria to adopt and we are still praying.

    I sha hope somebody important sees this.
    Good research and compilation work.


  21. ”Research has it that a kilogram of organic waste can produce over 20 kilograms of methane gas”… This sentence was used in your abstract but it is not well defined because you did no specify who did the research, where the research was conducted, the year it was conducted and also, the purpose for which the research was conducted. I think more light should be reflected on this sentence used in your abstract. A more touch to proper citation and referencing.


    1. Thanks for the insight sir…it will really do much help in forthcoming essays


  22. 1kg of waste=20Kg of methane.
    At a time when the whole world is combating climate change of which methane is major contribution.
    Considering the unbearable effects of global warming, do you think this is a step in the right direction?


    1. It is important to note sir, that biogas production process is set up in such a way that allows trapping of such gasses, although not perfectly safe but I can assure it is more convenient even that your diesel power generator


    2. Global warming you say?

      it is true that methane is more harmful than even carbondioxide but then,

      According to myclimate project research carried out in Switzerland it was concluded that the biogas produced can be converted into power and heat in a combined heat and power plant but then organic or agricultural biogas plants do not only generate renewable energy but also prevent ‘METHANE EMISSION’ and at that the paper focuses more on agricultural biogas plants

      So therefore, we can conclude that biogas is a renewable as well as a clean source of energy and the gas generated through biodigestion is non polluting and to make you smile sir, it reduces green house effect and of course global warming

      So sir, i will obliged you to canvass for such techniques rather than frown at it. The Nigerian Government is soon to go into nuclear power generation, thats where your worries should be at and not an harmless power generation

      Thank you for your contribution, i hope to do my best to enlighten you more


  23. Nice easy
    So due to continual usage of the ‘proposed’ biogas technology don’t you think there you will be shortage of waste as time passes by? Your essay focused mainly on agricultural waste which in time can be useful for fertilizers and so on


  24. Waste,sir is a part of man…it cannot be seen as shortage. Focusing also on agricultural waste and its impact to agriculture fertilizers and so on, going through the essay, we can see that the production process provides fertilizers for the soil too so it’s not completely a loss but a win win situation


  25. Wow
    That’s awesome
    So a kilogram of organic waste can produce 20kg of methane gas… Cool

    If the government can adopt this method, environmental pollution will reduce and cooking gas will be cheaper……

    But do we even have the equipments to convert these organic wastes to methane gas?????


  26. I’ve taken time to review this essay over and over again and I can say I am impressed with how a Nigerian can propose this…it is true that it is been adopted in other countries but rarely have we seen it’s application in this kind proposed in this context especially in developing countries

    I hope also to get some clarifications as to the contents of this essay.

    Do you think this proposed technology is efficient enough to provide stabilised power output


  27. “think” sir will be an understatement,it’s efficiency is true and accurate


    1. All essays are depicting unique problems but I consider yours a bit too much…

      Id rather praise you than criticise because I see power stability as the major issue that needs to be corrected

      But then sir, in the case of each household posssing a small portable biogas digester as in like small generator don’t you think as the other guy said there will be shortage of waste


  28. Equipments don’t seem like a limiting problem towards the achievement of this technology


  29. Can the quantity of biogas produced from waste matter ever be high enough for it to replace more traditional forms of energy generation?


    1. Thank you sir, far away from agricultural waste… On my way to school this morning, coming from iyanoipaja down to oshodi, mushin and then yaba… Looking at Lagos wastes all over the streets deposited on a daily basis… I bet you, it’s enough

      Agricultural wastes seems even bulky in terms of sizes as it comes not only beforeg cultivation process but even during and after.

      The challenge will be in the connection and channeling.


    2. In India sir, biogas production from cow dungs alone is able to sustain more than enough. Nigeria also being an agricultural inclined nation having a great amount of cattle and cows which of course is one of the highest in the continent can do the same


  30. Lovely write up. Another effctive means through which the use of biogas in the country can be improved is by removing the tariffs and import duties associated with importing mini scale biodigesters, families can make use of these miniscale biodigersters to egenrate clean biofules for domestic use onnce they are made available and cheap through proper govermental policies. Kudos!


    1. Very correct sir… If households can apply such technology as biogas, then we have done so much in taking power stability forward.

      I so much agree also with you contributions as per the government reducing import tariffs. This and many more will advance the effect of biogas technology in our daily life


  31. Biogas is a sure business, bravo to you sir. Am always interested in asking questions, hope you don’t mind? Here are some:

    Do you have a reason why your abstract is not evenly distributed between the margins and why was it sectioned? If it’s a standard I would love to know

    What font type did you use, like you didn’t stick to one particular type.

    How did you know that an average Nigerian man spends about $9 on biofuel alone in a week?

    Do you agree with this assertion, “biogas technology can be used as cooking fuel without [causing] AIR POLLUTION.” As used in your text.

    What makes your work different from other works of this kind and what referencing style did you used?

    Thanks, Mr. Frankline. Anticipating your response


  32. i dont mind at all sir,

    well about the abstract, the only standard i know is a one paragraphed write up.

    About the font type, some of us dont have every thing at our beck and call.My desire to be part of this competition was indeed stronger than the resources i dont have. I dont know about you, but i believe it was a long ,heavy work and it couldnt be done easily without one possessing a system. At some point, i had to type some things with phones,sent them to a whtasapp number, copied and added to already written ones which was saved to the PC of a friend. I am sure we shuoldnt be discussing personal issues here so i will end that at that point. Possibly if i happen to be among the winners, this issue will not occur in forthcoming essays

    You are an average Nigerian man, how much do you spend on fuel weekly? Anyways, the abstract promised statistical, analytical and informative techniques and that, i have tried to proof and then it happened to be so true according to my perspective. 9$ is approximately three thousand in naira and that can be fully agreed considering the sales of fuel at a hundred and fifty naira per litre and diesel at two hundred and thirty naira or thereabout. Sir every business needs electricity to run and at many instances, we have occurences of “no light” for days. so tell me sir, how 9$ statistic is looking funny?

    the objective of this essay is to inform you and SIR, i agree that “biogas technology can be used as cooking fuel without [causing] AIR POLLUTION”. Biogas generators save women and indeed children from the daunting task of firewood collection,and exposure to smoke as a result of cooking on a stove or an open fire. Millions of people die yearly as a result of premature illness attributed to pollution caused by the inefficient use of solid fuels for cooking. Gas generated through bio digestion is non polluting meaning there is zero emission of greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere therefore, using gas from waste as a form of energy is actually a great deal. I believe its the fear of methane that causes these questions of pollution but then, i must have to inform you that the plants lower methane emissions through capture of these gases and recycling them as fuels.{which was stated in the essay}

    what makes my work different is a double solution of primary needs of the Nigerian society while giving back to the society at the same time. Other works are citing secondary needs of the society which the society can even thrive well without. Power or electricity is something that has to be present primarily for any form of 21st century innovation to take place in the engineering world sir and you must agree with me on that.

    Author- date referencing was used.


    1. Ok. Well said but you have to understand some things about research works:

      Concluding based on your perspective that $9 is spent on biofuel by an average Nigerian without referencing an already established verifiable fact is highly fallacious. You have to make explicitly the premises upon which that conclusion is based upon.

      In your work it was expressed as just a statement, no rigid information on how it was obtained. This is unacceptable in a scholarly article.

      Secondly, biogas doesn’t completely eliminate air pollution but minimises it.
      Telling me that biogas can be used without [causing] air pollution is highly fallacious. It can only minimises or reduce it relatively.
      Maybe, you have to do further studies on biogas technology. If your is completely different then your studies have to be reframed.

      Thank you!


        1. And yes, I’ll have to do further research on biogas not as per the basis of your claims but on further improving the technological advancements and mediums in which biogas technology can be advanced

          Thanks so much for the inspiration, am really grateful. I hope we meet in person’s to discuss more


      1. Well then sir, seems you know so much about research work, you should know that every referenced work was actually a fresh research or”statement” and then considering falacy as you rightly used doesn’t fit in at all… It’s my research and maybe someday you could make use of it and reference it as per this essay…
        It will look “dumb” copying and pasting every existing research, why not carry out new statistics. Probably that’s the reason for stunt growth in Africa today… Always trying to copy existing works and reframing them…

        In a “scholarly environment” sir, everyone is free to make theories and statements… Why not prove them wrong instead of questioning them alone. At least that’s what it’s expected to be done.

        Tell me a medium that works perfectly sir and I will show you that it doesn’t exist. The research works and even the reply to your earlier question rightly stated that it lowers methane emission and not entirely clear methane emission… So sir I would beg for you to clearly understand and not take the words so literally so we don’t put in words that the essay does not contain. Biogas reduces greenhouse effect and not stop them, biigss reduces air pollution and not stop them…come to reminder sir…

        However sir, as a scholar and a learned person at that, I believe that you are aware that every work is questionable regarding on whoever wrote it, even the greatest scientists whose works or researches we use today have had their theories questioned one way or the other over time…


      2. I really appreciate your contributions sir and I hope we meet in person’s or possibly work together some day


    1. In its real sense, it’s a biogas power plant that can generate electrical power in megawatts and gigawatts… More like you are asking me to build kanji dam or shiroro dam.

      Aside it’s electrical attachments, it also has civil, chemical, mechanical and other engineering attachments

      So to be honest sir, it is practically impossible to be taken as a solo project
      There are also small scale biogas power generation foe cooking, drying and other small activities

      Considering that sir, I can!!!


  33. Nice write up bro. My question is that, in this country does biogas have any negative effect to human.


    1. Thank you sir… Biogas technological is undoubtedly saving man from negative effects gotten from the accumulation of wastes

      But then everything with an advantage will surely have a disadvantage. The major negative effects of biogas too human health lies in its biodigestion. I. E, the process of breakdown as any fault or leaks can severely cause harm to human. Hydrogen sphide can be so poisonous that it may affect the lungs.

      That is why it is important we take serious health and safety precautions


  34. What a lovely essay, I’ve wanted this to be achieved all these years, thank God is coming forth from a great young Engineer


    1. thank you very much ma but then i still believe we can propose more better “saving” technologies in the future


  35. Dear sir,
    This write up is very beautiful and intelligent but i have few questions;
    1. kindly let us know what measure you are to take concerning the limitation of this Essay.
    2. If Government refuse to accept your proposal what other plans do you have.


    1. ma, i must say thank you for your interest. Am really grateful
      okay,now to your questions:
      1. Recently, we have been seeing different alternative sources to power generation other than hydro power and indeed we are gradually moving away from over dependence on one particular source. The government too have started developing interest in these technologies especially as they loook forward to setting up nuclear power plant for power generation and that indeed is a great sign of hope for technology advancement in Nigeria
      On my path, having this essay published is a measure of seeking the attention of the entire nation and the world at large which at that will help to reduce the limitation of interest. More so, i have set up a small engineering circus in school that helps in identification of these problems that need technological solutions and solve them too. We are just starting and we will get there in due time. More platforms will come in due time.

      2. Late last week, Friday to be precise, some students of YABA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY constructed an electric vehicle that made no usage of combustion WITHOUT the investment or acceptance of proposal from the Government. Such individual achievement is the best alternative to get through this. Someone once said “dont think about what the country can do for you but rather, what you can do for the country


  36. Good morning, sir. Your work is good especially looking at the environmental friendly side, but along the way, I got stumbled over some issues Iike to know.

    1. Wiki is not a worthy citation to use in an academic paper as it is a public domain, why do you used it in your work?

    2. Even citing wiki, you didn’t inform us which wiki (research papers are expected to be precise and direct to the point). We’ve many wiki’s, viz Wikipedia, WikiHow and many other wikis?

    3. How do you think the research can be executed in a country like Nigeria?


    1. Thank you for the corrections sir, during course of preparing this paper, I didn’t want to limit the literature review alone to published works of other scholars so I sought to include “WIKIPEDIA” as one of the basis for the literature review.

      Considering the execution of this research in Nigeria, I don’t see it as a big deal if the coast is clear for implementation. All we need is proper sensitization about the BIOGAS technology.
      Nigeria is soon to go into NUCLEAR power generation which I feel is more complex than the biggest technology. So executing this research is basically not a problem, it’s just proper awareness

      Once again, thank you sir!!!


  37. Nice write-up, Ntah! Nevertheless, I’d like to know the challenges of biogas replacing oil as a source of energy.
    Further more, you said there is awareness of the need for attention to biogas. What needs to be done in terms of campaign for its adoption?



  38. Thank you Mr.Akpan

    “…Replacing oil as a source of energy”

    Almost every device using oil as a source of energy has alternative design with a completely different source of energy.

    Looking at biogas replacing oil as a source of energy, the challenges we are likely to encounter may include :
    1.Construction and design of such devices empowered to use biogas as fuel

    2. Proper channelling of fuel I.e, organic waste

    3. Increase in technological advancements

    4. Lastly, you will agree with me that oil is indeed a versatile fuel for most machines, small and big. So the main conceptual idea of a replacement for oil and getting used to it will be the biggest challenge itself.
    But then let’s be reminded that these are challenges, with time, it will be an issue if the past as more ideas will come in due time to eliminate or completely solve them.


  39. Looking also at the difficulty in storing biomass residues, poor financial support from the government and even the low level of public awareness of the benefits of using biogas as an energy source which we will be looking at after this…


  40. To effect a change, we have to start from the “head”. The head in this case is the main producer of these organic wastes, the farmers. They should be properly educated and informed on the importance of these biomass products

    The mass media can also come in as a great deal in this sensitization process. If informatory message can go round social media, people especially NIGERIANS will be so interested in seeing the outcome of this.
    We have “soft talk messaging app” , a messaging app developed by a Nigerian all around the media. This will help to create a massive awareness. That can also be done in this regard

    We also have platforms like this which of course is ae National Essay and in so many ways, people have come in contact with this platform and by reading this particular paper, they have been informed and made aware of the importance of biogas technology.


  41. Hi Ebere. Nice Paper. The multiple benefits of Biogas technology are impressive but our current culture as a people does not favour its deployment. from our disinterest in waste sorting and recycling to regressive politics that government – all have not favoured green energy systems. How do you propose we change our people mindset?


    1. I must say I really appreciate your usage of the word “current culture”. Nigeria use to be the giant of the world’s agriculture until “oil” came in and then changed our orientation into a different culture if you refer to as “current culture”
      Changing the people’s mindset would indeed be a challenge until we stop seeing it as one. I believe “not so many” people have ideas on what a biogas digester looks like, if there is proper enlightenment on the importance of this technology and how it helps solve major problems we have in this country, I am a Nigerian and I suppose you are one too and by being one you can testify that we always love the things that favour us.
      Enlightenment is the key, awareness is the solution. Imagine Nigeria being the giant producer of biogas in Africa, it’s indeed a great thing

      And so on this note, I’ll like to implore you to send this paper to every person you come in contact with, the enlightenment and the hope might just start with you.

      Thank you very much sir!!


  42. The future stands open for this.
    As a suggestion, please redeveloped more on the work to account for some technicalities I could envisage in the work.
    Kudos bro



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