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Technology Is Portal To Transformation, Google Says

Google has said the transformation desired in Nigeria and in West Africa can only be achieved through the deployment of technology which will bring about all round development.

Speaking at the RiseNetwork, Workplan2019 in Lagos, with: The Future of Work and the 4th Industrial Revolution Powered by Local Content as theme, Juliet Ehimuan, director, Google West Africa, stressed the need to see technology as an essential tool to solve problems, proffer solutions and promote advancement.

She said: “It is very crucial for us to see that technology is useful to solve challenges around

Technology helps us achieve or carry out diverse activities. However, if Nigeria had got access to sophisticated technologies three years back, we would have been able to get quick solutions to problems that need urgent response.

“There are classic examples of the possibilities of solving local problems with these technologies today. Also in Lagos, there are no shortage of problems to solve. It would be wise for private and public organisations or sectors to think about the percentages that young people could develop solutions to solve these problems.

“At this point we need to think about the government investing in research and development and having a corporate social responsibility agenda to fund development initiatives, programmes and products in agriculture, health, education and even the financial sector.

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Through your smartphone you can have access to information as with other persons whenever and wherever in the world. You should know that your smartphone is more powerful than machines that put men on move in 1969.”

Ehimuan said there are ways to keep up with the fourth industrial revolution that has started, while she laid emphasis on the core elements that could guarantee a successful business such as meeting the right people, getting a platform and enjoying the process.

In the workplace, there is need to bring innovative ideas to enhance business. “Every business you see today is a digital business because you would want to use technology as an integral part of your processes.

The future of work is the form that would bring transformation on how we carry out every process of work.

“So it is important to build organisations that will foster our culture and innovation thereby encouraging autonomy among workers.”

Source: Commweek

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