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How To Determine Specifically How Much You Need To Move Your Business To Next Level

It’s a common perception among entrepreneurs that they need far more money than they require to take their business to the next level

Too often, entrepreneurs–especially inexperienced ones–take the “luxury” approach to funding, incorporating every bell and whistle into their expansion plan by trying to accomplish all goals at one time. That’s nice, but it’s usually not reality and often forces businesses to be cash strapped because of high debt repayments.

That’s why I suggest entrepreneurs take a three-pronged approach to their expansion planning. This exercise helps business people ruthlessly prioritise their needs and determine what is a must and what is frivolous.

A, and then B, and then C

Let’s say an entrepreneur believes he or she needs US$1 million to make their expansion plans a reality.

Now, write up a plan for that amount. What are the specific investments you will make? What will your cash flow look like afterward? What does your business, in general, look like?

Finally, do the exercise one more time, this time with a loan of only US$250,000. What are the answers to the questions now? Might it be possible to do what you want to do with only a quarter of the original loan?

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And the answer is …

No set answer will be correct.

Perhaps your initial inclination that you need US$1 million was correct. And there’s a good chance that US$250,000 simply won’t get the job done.

Of course, don’t get too stuck on exact numbers. Maybe this exercise will have you realise your plan can go ahead effectively for US$790,000 or US$615,000 or US$485,000 or any other number.

The purpose is to gain some clarity and sharpen your focus–not to mention to allow you to decide what makes you most comfortable and enables you to sleep at night. Don’t underestimate the value of that.

Also, keep in mind the time factor. The larger the loan you seek, the longer it likely will take to receive approval from a lender. The saying “time is money” always rings true, especially in this scenario. You might miss opportunities waiting for lender approval.

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Remember, business tends to be more of a marathon than a sprint. You need to pace yourself in all aspects, including financing, to better your odds of finishing the race. Hopefully, this exercise helps you accomplish that

Source: e27

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