Home > Electrical/Electronics > 21 Lagos Communities Ask IKEDC For Disconnection Over Crazy Bills

21 Lagos Communities Ask IKEDC For Disconnection Over Crazy Bills

Angered by the outrageous bills they are made to pay for electricity every month, 21 communities in Ikorodu North Local Council Development Area (LCDA) of Lagos State have written to Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company (IKEDC), demanding disconnection.

In a letter dated 18 February 2021, entitled “Request for de-loading of transformers in our communities” and signed by the chairmen of the 21 Community Development Associations (CDAs) in ward E4, Ikorodu North, the communities stressed that they were tired of paying outrageous bills monthly.

According to the communities under the aegis of Joint CDAs, Ward E4, led by Mr. Alaba Salako, this was despite the fact that they had written and interfaced with IKEDC on several occasions over pre-paid meters, crazy bills, poor services etc.

All these, they said, have fallen on a deaf ear, as the problems have persisted till date, hence the decision to request the de-loading of the 13 transformers in their communities.

The letter reads “We wish to humbly request the immediate de-loading of the 13 transformers in the 21 communities in our areas by your organisation.

This is as a result of the blatant refusal of IKEDC to look into several representations on issues connected with your services at various offices of your organization – Adamo, Imota, Ikorodu and IKEDC headquarters without success.

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“For the records, our organization is the body representing all Community Development Associations (CDAs) in Ward E4, Ikorodu North Local Council Development Area, Ikorodu. And it is an undisputable fact that we have written severally to your organisation on these matters which include estimated billing, poor services and pre-paid meters without any headway.

Source: the sun

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