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Copyright: AI Could Lead To Surge In Lawsuits, Expert Reveals

Courts across the globe are braced for a surge in cases related to AI in years to come as the technology develops at a rapid pace.

Officials are scrambling to come up with new laws on how the advanced systems should be kept in check and ultimately who is responsible for what they do or create.

Countries are still figuring out rules for the use of AI
Countries are still figuring out rules for the use of AI

We recently heard about AI-generated art that won a competition in Colorado, leading to a backlash and questions about fairness.

“The individual who entered read all of the rules and there was nothing that precluded them from being able to enter AI-generated artwork,” Lisa C. Palmer, Chief AI Strategist at AI Leaders told The Sun.

“And so the other artists were, according to all accounts, quite frustrated by the fact that this individual won the contest.

“But there were no rules that prevented that, so that’s a perfect example of the way that technology evolves in many ways faster than laws, regulations and policies are prepared to really wrap expectations around that.

“Then we get into the ‘who owns that art?’ that’s the question that’s really outstanding at this point.”

The UK proposed a new AI rulebook in July, and the EU is working on its own policies.

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Looking at the US specifically, there has been a steady increase in the number of laws put forward related to AI – though few have actually been enacted just yet.

In 2019, 15 bits of legislation were submitted, followed by 13 in 2020, then another 17 in 2021 and 2022.

A total of 29 states have addressed AI legislation in the last four years.

“Some of the states have a large number of legislation put forward but they’ve only actually enacted one or two, so we’re seeing a lot of conversation around it but not necessarily a lot of law enacted yet,” Palmer explained.

“I’m certainly not a lawyer so can’t speak to it from that perspective but putting on my technologist hat and reflecting back on what has happened with the evolution of technologies in history it is likely that there will be litigation around this in order to identify what those wrappers are, where does the ownership begin and end along the continuum of the creation of the artificial intelligence.

“So I do expect that we will see more litigation in order to create clarity in this space – it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out.”

The practice is controversial because some generators work by using images they’ve found online and creating their own version.

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It’s also sparked debate over whether the AI is technically the artist and the human asking it for images is more of an art director.

The same debate is happening in the film world.

Deep learning AI technology has come to Hollywood and was used for the award-winning film The Crow.

Computer artist Glenn Marshall used AI to create the imagery in his film and won the Jury Award at the Cannes Short Film Festival.

Source: The-Sun

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