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New Features Of The Android Os 10

You must have heard about the just-released Google Android version 10 or Android Q, as some may call it, and wonder what is new or borrowed in terms of the features?

Here are some clues.

Several sources and write-ups have described the new version based on varying factors individually or categorically. Ultimately, this upgraded operating system can be said to focus on providing‘better interactivity between man and machine’, ‘data protection and user privacy’, and digital innovations. The new version of the Android OS is futuristic as it has been made to be compatible and feasible with 5G connectivity. Also, with the advent of the foldable phones by Huawei, Samsung, and some select smartphone makers, this version will give everyday device users of the Android software, a feel of what is possible with screen continuity and multitasking.

Phones with the Android operating system 10 would further allow personalization of the device’s app interface, as users will be able to change their modes from the usual white form to a dark one – an optional feature with numerous benefits. This new Google OS also optimizes ‘notifications’ to make your device smarter and more proactivity, by completing your sentences – maybe not literally but close enough. Once you put on the auto-reply feature, it would be synced with your phone’s notification, enabling you to do more in a shorter amount of time – like giving you an option to find a place on Google Map when a message pops-up that contains an address or accept/decline using its suggested responses. Better still, one can do all these without sending any data outside the device even with the feature that allows you caption multi-media on-the-go. For the cool kids, they would appreciate the addition of some unique emojis on offer – to find out what they are, get a pixel device or wait for the updates.

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Finally, in a bid to ensure that data is continually protected, this version 10 would give android users more autonomy over their location and activity information even in their phone applications, while scrambling information unique to individual devices when using Wi-Fi. Full-screen optimization is another added benefit of upgrading your device, as the navigation would now be done majorly through finger swipes.

These among others like storage encryption, blocking pop-up applications, better picture quality –in-app, and better upgrades to connectivity, are some of the features of the Android Q by Google.

All android versions starting from Android 1.5 have been named as confectionary or edible treat but the latest version – just like Android 1.0 and 1.1, did not follow this pattern.

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