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The Benefits Of Renewable Energy

Steward McGrenary the director of Plunc, a high end electronics recycling company discuss the benefits of renewable energy.

Contrary to popular belief, renewable energy is not a new concept or recent fad. In fact, renewable energy has been successfully used for years, and has recently made impressive strides in technology, innovation, and efficiency.

However, as history would have it, the preferred method of energy use has always been the one that costs less upfront, as opposed to renewable energy, which keeps the environment cleaner and costs less in the long run. We are a society of immediacy.

Yet adopting renewable energy on an individualised and broad-scale has many amazing benefits that shouldn’t be ignored. As people become increasingly concerned about the environment, and their personal contribution to the carbon footprint, alternative sources of energy have taken centre stage. Increasing awareness and action towards reducing carbon footprints can have a lasting positive impact. Whether you recycle your electronics by selling outdated or no longer used smartphones, iPads and game systems on sites like Plunc, install energy-efficient appliances or make the move to incorporate renewable energy at your home or business, every step in the right direction matters.

This guide will explore some of the major benefits associated with renewable energy.

Reduces the impact we have on global warming

As humans, we have been poisoning the environment with toxic chemicals and emissions such as carbon dioxide, PFCs and more. This pollution has contributed to depleted ozone, global warming, elevated sea levels, drought, extinction, and even increased occurrence and severity of major storms.

With the use of renewable energy, we can reduce or eliminate many of the human-made driving forces behind the destruction of our atmosphere and environment. Renewable energy is clean and comes from green sources that will allow us to respond to global warming instead of contributing to its negative effects, many of which have serious and devastating downstream effects.

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Provides a virtually endless source of energy

One of the biggest benefits of renewable energy is that it won’t run out. It’s even in the name. Gas, coal, and oil are becoming increasingly difficult to procure and process. The sun, water, and wind will provide a virtually never-ending supply of energy that everybody can use together. As such, many forms of renewable energy offer hope for those in developing nations in which traditional fossil fuel sources are either unavailable, inaccessible or too expensive.

Can drastically improve public health

Pollution is a major contributor to sickness and poor health, and we are doing it to ourselves. Not only is renewable energy clean, but it prevents us from polluting the elements that could otherwise be used as our source of energy. The use of gas and coal contributes both directly and indirectly to breathing problems, heart disease, cancers, and many other debilitating and life-threatening conditions.

Saves valuable resources (including money)

Many individuals operate under the (often false) pretence that renewable energy is more costly and thus not economically feasible or affordable enough to implement. The assumption that coal, gas, and fuel are the only affordable option is false; the use of renewable energy only requires that we pay for the initial setup.

Although the initial installation of renewable energy sources may be expensive, they eliminate the cost of refills, maintenance, and the cost of operating and using energy in the first place. The sun, wind, and other natural sources are absolutely free, so in the end, you will be saving thousands of dollars immediately after the initial investment of installation. Further, in the US and abroad, many nations and governments offer large tax incentives and even grants for updating to more environmentally friendly energy options.

Creates jobs and opportunity

According to Forbes, jobs involving clean and renewable energy grew 3.6%in 2018 adding approximately 110,000 new jobs with that number projected to increase to 6% by the end of 2019 and continue this upward trend well into 2020 and beyond.

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The use of renewable energy requires additional specialised labour than do traditional energy sources. The technology and know-how needed for the successful design, development, production, and installation represent a major job opportunity, with this budding field within the energy sector projected to grow with no signs of slowing down.

It is estimated that the use of renewable energy will employ about 24 million people worldwide, particularly from the solar industry and wind industry. Manufacturing labour, construction and turbine installation, logistics, finances, transportation needs, and legal consultation jobs are just a few of the necessary labour workers that are needed to make the use of renewable energy a possibility.

Relies less on foreign energy sources

Renewable energy can be produced locally, which is beneficial when it comes to our reliance on foreign sources that can increase or decrease supply at will and thus impact pricing at the pumps. At this time, our main source of energy comes from fossil fuels, which the United States could not use without depending on outside sources. Close to 60% of our fossil fuels are imported, and those imports are extremely expensive to begin with. The use of renewable energy will not only decrease the dirty pollution, but it will also save money from importing fossil fuel, and eliminate our need for foreign assistance.

Closing thoughts on renewable energy

Renewable energy, from geothermal, to sun, wind and more may hold the key to long-term sustainability, and preservation of the world as we know it today. Consider doing your part by exploring renewable energy options in your area today.

Source: scitecheuropa

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