Yesterday, the National Institutes of Health’s Toxicology Program (NTP) warned that cell phone radiation does cause cancer as it published the final results of its long-term study conducted on mice and rats.
But the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) insists that the danger does not apply to humans.
The NTP found ‘clear evidence’ that high levels of cell phone radiation can cause cancers of the heart, brain and adrenal glands in male rats.
The link between 2G and 3G radiation and these tumors was a strong one – but was demonstrated when the rats came into contact with 50-times the radiation levels humans experience.
Scientists who reviewed the NTP study are calling for the Federal communications Commission to warn the public, but the FDA’s response suggests the findings are over-hyped as it tries to quell consumer’s fears.
Cell phones emit radio frequency radiation (RFR) that scientists have long worried could cause cancer.
A number of studies have tried to settle the debate over cell radiation. Rates of a particular kind of heart cancer do seem to be linked to greater cell phone usage, but the number of people with the rare disease is small.
Scientists have struggled to rule out carcinogenic effects of heat generated by cell phones. Other animal studies have found less dire effects at lower cell radiation levels, or more extreme effects in small animal studies using high radiation levels.
The end result for most of this research has been ‘inconclusive’ or uncovered ‘some’ evidence of a link between our cell phones and cancer.
But that research, coupled with a recent study that suggested a link between glioblastomas – the same type of brain tumor that killed Senator John McCain – and cell phone usage was enough for California to issue a warning about the devices.
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