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Why The Engineers Registration Act Amendment

At the memorial lecture held in commemoration of Late Engr Asuquo Uwe at Uyo, the President West African Federation of Engineering Organisation, Engr Otis Anyaeji gave a lecture on the subject titled ”Revisiting Engineering Regulatory Models for African Countries.

In his paper presented at the lecture, he said Council for the regulation of Engineering in Nigeria, COREN should focus more on engineering firm rather than the individual engineer. He said the shift in focus was paramount as the firms are the actual building blocks of the engineering profession.

According to him ” Since 1970 the COREN law had focused strictly on the individual Engineer in general and the engineer in public service particular.It has paid scant attention to the Engineering firm,the vehicle that is to be used for practice of Engineering”.

Initially the state regulation of practice of Engineering was adopted in 1970 under the Act Cap E11 2004 now known as the Engineers Registration Act . He stated ” In March 2019 President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR assented to the bill for the amendment of the Engineers registration Act”.

The President had also listed the benefits that the amendment would bring to include; the regulating of Industrial training of Engineers, powers of prosection of infractions and capacity building of local content in Nigeria engineering industry.

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