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Kaduna Power Plant Set To Run On Greenville LNG

The aspiration of the Federal Government to get the 215 mega watts Kaduna Power Plant running may have received the desired boost as the plant is set to run on Greenville Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

Managing Director of Greenville LNG, Ritu Sahajwalla, gave the hint during the commissioning of Greenville LNG customer location at Dufil Prima Foods Plc, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

Sahajwalla said the supply of LNG to the Kaduna power plant, which is set to come on stream before year-end, was a stopgap measure to bridge pipeline infrastructure deficit in the country, especially in northern Nigeria.

‘‘Our intervention is to help support the industrialisation agenda of the Federal Government by providing alternative solution to transportation of gas by pipeline because the northern part of the country is in dire need of gas. The industries are growing and they need gas. It is better to supply gas to industries and power plants than supply same to individuals because the former would translate to multiplier effect, especially as it relates to the socio-economic well being of the citizens.

She explained that the LNG would be trucked and delivered to the power plants, saying Nigeria has the potential to attain greater height in its pursuit to get to the next level.

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Sahajwalla, said lack of access to grid electricity is no longer a setback to industralisation because Greenville LNG is just like a mobile phone that could be taken anywhere.

The Greenville LNG boss said one truck of LNG was capable of providing 5MW of electricity, adding that the tank capacity of Dufil is 110M3, with two vertical tanks. Also speaking, Head of Operations, Dufil Foods, Virender Pathenia, said the installation of Greenville LNG customer location in the company will help to reduce both production cost and carbon emission, adding that it is a cost effective alternative to diesel.

He said the company would soon transit to 100 per cent LNG from other sources of energy as soon as their contract with all other energy suppliers ends.

‘‘We are happy to have this utility cost reduced because it is a critical aspect of our production.We use a lot of diesel but our focus is in efficient and environmental friendly fuel. The concept of LNG will help drive industralisation and Dufil is happy to be part of this paradigm shift.’’

Greenville LNG is the pioneer LNG production and distribution company for domestic use within Nigeria with the target to expand the natural gas infrastruxture, using an innovative virtual pipeline system to deliver gas to locations not served or underserved by the existing gas pipeline network in Nigeria. The company’s facility is equipped with three liquefaction trains, fed with 38 million standard cubic feet of gas each per day, each train produces 750 metric tons of LNG per day bringing the total production capacity to 2250 metric tons of LNG per day.

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Source: The Sun

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