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US Army Is Working On AI-Guided Missiles That Identify Their Targets

The U.S. government is spending millions of dollars on creating intelligent missiles – which will determine for targets for themselves.

The Cannon-Delivered Area Effects Munition (C-DAEM) system will use GPS to identify enemy tanks and armoured shells, which will be scanned in advance from the skies.

According to sources, the Pentagon will invest vast sums into the AI-guided munitions, which could be ready by 2021.

They will replace the Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munition (DPICM) artillery rounds, which were introduced in the 1980s.

The weapons will have a range of up to 60 kilometres…and will be able to search an area of more than 28 square kilometres for their targets,’ New Scientist report.

‘They will have a method for slowing down, such as a parachute or small wings, which they will use while scanning and classifying objects below.’

They add that several contractors are competing for the C-DAEM project.

A spokesperson for the US Army said: ‘This is not an autonomous weapon, nor is it intended to be.


C-DAEM is a 155-millimeter artillery shell, and will be available for the M777 towed howitzer, the M109A6 Paladin self-propelled howitzer, and the new XM1299 self-propelled howitzer, which has a range of up to 43 miles.

The U.S. Marine Corps uses the same towed M777 howitzers, meaning the Marines could easily adopt the new round once it clears development.

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‘We seek an advanced capability for a round – once fired – to continue pursuing a target despite the types of interference that might cause it to pursue something else.

‘This would improve our capabilities to avoid collateral damage.’

Previously, the U.S. army developed a missile that used infrared sensors to locate and attack vehicles, but it had a limited reach if just 200 metres.

The new missiles will be far more powerful, sources say.


Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) – long-range rockets that can carry nuclear warheads – are regularly tested by nations with nuclear programmes.

At Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, where unarmed ICBMs are launched for tests several times a year, a Mission Flight Control Officer (MFCO) has the job of making sure the missile stays on track.

A GPS transmitter tracks the missile’s location on its 4,200-mile (6,759-kilometer) flight to a target in the Kwajalein Atoll of the Marshall Islands.

During each ICBM’s flight over the Pacific Ocean, the MFCO looks over a screen displaying a digital map with lines that the missile cannot cross.

If the missile strays across these lines, it is deemed off-course, and the MFCO must hit the self-destruct button to terminate the test.

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This button detonates explosives along the seam of the missile, which releases the weapon’s fuel, causing it to ignite.

The missile then spins harmlessly into the Pacific Ocean.

Source: Dailymail

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