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The Internet Of Things

The Internet Of Things. The wonders of technological advancements are not anywhere exhaustive and several digital solutions are being churned out for our many conveniences. Usually, humans are the ones known to connect to the digital space and when one is connected online it is done to access a database to retrieve any information we seek. Although it is not a new development, more devices are being enabled to interface with the internet too, and this is achieved through a pairing of mobile devices and these gadgets. This concept is what is referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT).

This digitalization of daily processes through appliances and infrastructures are done for several reasons, one of which includes functionality on an optimal level. Thanks to technology, ‘things’ are made to enable people to do things faster and more efficiently in the home or business-front, but usually, it needs its user to both to operate and maximize potential. When it comes to the Internet of Things, this interfacing is brought to a minimum through machine learning and other features, which give these objects a responsibility to function and think for themselves – all aimed at benefitting the end-user.

Another reason for asset digitalization can be summarized as the concept of ‘prevention is better than cure’. It would be fantastic if our essential tools; apart from simply doing what they were made to do, and no matter the setting, can tell us beforehand when something is about to go wrong, or hint us about a malfunction, or just give analytic reports or useful suggestions. This is much better as it allows for contingency planning and mitigation of negative occurrences as it relates to the gadget. For instance, a fridge that gives insights into the types of fresh food items that could easily go bad under certain temperatures and why. This helps one to either adjust the temperature settings of the fridge or find a better means of preservation. Not all refrigerators can do this, only those embedded with connectivity abilities.

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Efficiency, proactivity, easier but better-structured processes, increased standard of living, cost-effectiveness, less labour-intensive, and increased performance, are the benefits of an Internet of Things solution in any type of environments they are found.

All these ride on the wings of data collation, analysis, interpretation, and outcome predictions – human abilities in the body of a machine. Simply put, this concept cannot be mutually exclusive to Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning but instead, an intertwining between these features can produce results we can only imagine.

They say with great power comes great(er) responsibilities and that goes without saying. As mind-blowing as the idea of being able to monitor your dustbin to know when it has reached maximum capacity right from your palm, the same intensity should be applied to feeling concern for how this system can be used by malicious individuals to encroach on privacy.

This is an issue because anything that has to do with the internet means gateway and exposure. Depending on who or what, sensitive information can be gotten from the automated gadgets in a home and be used against a person’s will, once access has been gained.

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