Home > Mechanical > Bizarre Sloping Toilet Developed To Reduce Time Spend In The Bathroom

Bizarre Sloping Toilet Developed To Reduce Time Spend In The Bathroom

A concept for a sloping toilet dubbed the ‘StandardToilet’ has been revealed, in which the upper surface slopes downwards at a 13-degree-angle

For many people, a toilet break at work is the perfect excuse to sneak off and spend some time aimlessly scrolling through your phone.

But the days of casually sitting on the loo could be a thing of the past, if a new toilet is anything to go by.

This means that the user is forced to lean forwards when sitting on it.

Its designer, Mohair Gill, claims that the design could save businesses billions in wasted hours.

The upper surface slopes downwards at a 13-degree-angle (Image: Standard Toilet
On the website, he explained: “It is estimated that in the United Kingdom alone, extended employee breaks costs industry and commerce an estimated £4 billion per annum.

“Moreover, medical studies have suggested that using the traditional WC can cause swollen haemorrhoids and weakening of pelvic muscles.

“Our unique Patent Application, applicable UK and worldwide, offers the ability to increase business efficiency and profits through reductions in social media usage.”

Unsurprisingly, the unique design has been heavily mocked on social media.

One user joked: “I wonder if Trump would tweet less if he had one those sloping toilets.”

Another added: “I swear to god if I ever work in a place that has downward sloping toilets, it’s guillotine time.”

And one joked: “If this whole sloping toilet thing doesn’t end with someone selling a wedge seat to correct it then I don’t know capitalism.”

Source: Mirror

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