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What Is TRAS?

The Theft Risk Assessment Service (TRAS) helps Suppliers assess the risk of there being Energy Theft at different homes and businesses. This helps Suppliers target their Theft investigations.

How TRAS works

The TRAS is a data analytics service that combines data submitted by Suppliers with wider information contained within the Experian database to identify potential instances of Theft (called Qualified Outliers).

  • Consumption files are used to help identify anomalies with consumption patterns at individual supply points.
  • Outcome files provide details on the outcomes of Theft investigations

Suppliers use the TRAS Qualified Outliers alongside their own dataset to target investigations into potential Theft.

Suppliers choose which TRAS leads they will investigate. Suppliers must engage with TRAS, but they are under no obligation to investigate any of the TRAS leads.

The objective of the TRAS is for there to be a service operated in a consistent manner across all Suppliers, so that anyone that undertakes Energy Theft will have a reasonable chance of being detected, regardless of which Supplier supplies them.

The History of TRAS

The UK’s energy regulator, Ofgem, introduced the Theft Risk Assessment Service (TRAS) in February 2016. New Licence obligations were introduced for energy Suppliers to detect, investigate, prevent and deter theft.

When TRAS went live Energy Theft was estimated to cost customers £500m per annum.

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Suppliers nominated ElectraLink to administer the TRAS scheme through the Supply Point Administration Agreement (SPAA) and the Distribution and Connection Use of System Agreement (DCUSA)

This significant dual fuel, cross code, service was launched on the 01 April 2016 placing a requirement on electricity and gas Suppliers to submit defined data items every month. ​

The TRAS Regulations

The TRAS arrangements sit under Schedule 25 of the Distribution and System Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA) and Schedule 34 of the Supply Point Administration Agreement (SPAA). The TRAS schedules set out details of the service to be provided by the TRAS service provider (Experian) and the rights and obligations of DCUSA and SPAA Parties in relation to the TRAS.

The gas and electricity Supply Licence Conditions (12.A) require parties comply with the Theft arrangements that resulted in TRAS.

Source: energytheftdetection

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