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NESTEC 2021 Paper: Computer Engineering And Its Specialties: Helping To Drive Technological Development In Nigeria


Computer engineering is the outcome of the merger between two very distinct field of study—electrical/electronic engineering and computer science—and not all about fixing of computer or laptop issues—as some assume. The major aim of computer engineering is solving of specific problems through the knowledge and training derived from its two foundational backgrounds. Though it might not be as old as other engineering disciplines but its impact in technological advancement in this modern age has been tremendous. Over the years, quite a number of specialties has emerged from computer engineering which has had, and still having, great impact on technological advancement around the world. Professionals in some of these specialties has been the brain behind many of the technology hubs and startups we have in Nigeria that are training young people on how to develop solutions to problems using technological approach. Students offering this course in higher institutions across the nation also get trained in one or two of the specialties which help them develop technological approach to solving problems. So, this paper aims to look at how computer engineering and its specialties are helping to drive technological development in a developing country like Nigeria.

Keywords: Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering Specialties, Computer Hardware Engineer, Computer Software Engineer, Technological Development, Tech Hubs, Tech Startups

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Author: Lawal Oluwaseun Bernald

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NESTEC 2021 Paper -Computer Engineering and its Specialties

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30 thoughts on “NESTEC 2021 Paper: Computer Engineering And Its Specialties: Helping To Drive Technological Development In Nigeria

  1. Q1. What name is suitable for those that repair computers on the road side?
    Q2. Is Computer Engineering the same as Computer science Engineering?


    1. To your first question, those who repair computers/laptops at the roadside are also called computer engineers. This is because anyone by virtue of training or studying or both who have the requisite knowledge about computer hardware or software is known as a computer engineer.

      To your second question, both computer engineering and computer science engineering are the same. Some institutions just chose to include the “science” there because basically both disciplines have the same core subject focus and specialties.


  2. Is there a need for computer engineering to be a department since the students only do few combined work of Electrical engineers and computer scientists?


    1. Yes there’s every need for computer engineering to stand as a department. Even though computer engineering students do a few combined work from electrical/electronics engineering and computer science, all of the specialties in this discipline have their foundational root in these two fields (i.e EEE and CS).
      Computer engineering has just brought about the continued evolvement of these specialties.


  3. Are there other specialities that computer engineering might include in the future aside the above mentioned.


    1. Yes.
      Computer engineering is an evolving discipline whose specialties are finding increasing application in different aspects of the modern age. Going by this, there’s every likelihood that new specialties will emerge in the course of time to further research and technological development in some other aspects of the modern age.


  4. Yes there’s every need for computer engineering to stand as a department. Even though computer engineering students do a few combined work from electrical/electronics engineering and computer science, all of the specialties in this discipline have their foundational root in these two fields (i.e EEE and CS).
    Computer engineering has just brought about the continued evolvement of these specialties.


  5. What’s the faith of a computer Engineering student after leaving school..


    1. The fate of a computer engineering graduate lies in his/her own hands. What do I mean, a computer engineering graduate can either choose to work with public or private enterprises where his/her services are needed or work remotely/freelance for companies or organizations that require his/her skills.


  6. This is a nice work but my question is how do you justify people that don’t have a certificate to backup what they do but they are very good at it?


    1. Considering your write up, what is the hope of individuals as a Computer Engineer who venture into fields I will regard as “non-selling” in the field in Nigeria?


    2. Thanks for this question.
      Though it’s important for a computer engineer to have one or two certifications, but that’s not all that is required to be competent in a computer engineering specialty. Training received from a specialized institute or under a professional in computer engineering can make you competent in any specialty.


  7. The curriculum we have obsolete, what is important of learning something that is outdated, is there any usefulness to the society


  8. Wonderful write-up I’ll say. I saw a mention of Zinox, I’d like to know, how viable is such a company as a manufacturer knowing fully well a lot of Nigerians prefer going for foreign products?

    What also are the chances that if such companies arise in Nigeria, that they will be able to keep up with the already existing competition?

    What are some of the steps a computer enthusiast can take to become a computer engineering expert either in software or hardware?

    Thanks a lot


    1. To your first question, Okay I don’t want to dispute the fact that we Nigerians have a preference for foreign products, but what I’ll like to point out here is that Nigerians also patronize Nigerian-made products if they are good enough. Though I don’t own a Zinox PC but I have seen other people using it and I can say Zinox PCs are good enough. The company is doing well and still in the business of producing PCs because their products are attracting more Nigerians who have an eye for quality PCs.

      To your second question, if some new companies who are into PC and other related products emerge today in Nigeria and is able to offer products with top-notch performance, they have a chance of keeping up with the existing competition and even become leaders of the industry because right now, we only have Zinox Computers as the only indigenous computer manufacturer in the whole of Nigeria.

      To your last question, if you’re a computer enthusiast who’s willing to become a computer engineering expert in either software or hardware, first you need to study for your first degree. When you’re through with that, you can then go for your Masters and choose an area of specialization or get to be mentored and trained by a professional in the software or hardware field you desire to venture into and become an expert—this is if you’ll not be going for your Masters. On the other hand, if you feel taking the route of academics will take long, you can go to specialized institutes or meet with experts— who are experienced in one software or hardware aspect—to mentor and train you.


  9. Very interesting Bernald, please tell me what technological development computer engineers have contributed to the Nigerian Society needs. Don’t you also think that computer engineering is a liberal education and not to be treated as an isolated discipline?


  10. Hi Ben,
    Thanks for for this eye-opening article on this subject matter.
    However, how long do you think it will take Nigeria to fully unlock the full potential of computer engineering to enable it to fully digitalize its various sectors.


    1. Thanks for this question Victor. With Nigeria still being a developing country, I’ll like to propose the next 7 to 10 years before Nigeria can really unlock the full potentials a lot of specialties in computer engineering has to offer, which will help the country to fully digitize many sectors of the economy.


  11. I have stated the contributions of computer engineers to the Nigerian economy in my paper. Please just go to the section where I talked about “How Computer Engineering and Its Specialties Are Helping To Drive Technological Development in Nigeria”.
    Thank you.

    And to answer your second question, computer education shouldn’t taken as a liberal education but treated as an isolated discipline. This is because from computer engineering alone, quite a number of specialties have emerged that has made and still making meaningful contributions to the economy of different countries around the world.


    1. Sorry, I mean computer engineering and not computer education.


  12. Congratulations on your paper. It’s really insightful. How can these potentials of computer engineering be fully maximized? considering that we have what can be described as a dysfunctional system of
    education, especially in the engineering sciences.


    1. Yes, I agree with you on the dysfunctional state of education in the engineering sciences. But then, to fully unlock the potentials of computer engineering (which also applies to other engineering discipline), funding should be made available for research purposes in different specialties across higher institutions that offer the course in Nigeria. These research and development in computer engineering specialties—in partnership with tech companies and hubs—will further bolster tech development in Nigeria.


  13. Iot is something I love so much, but I want to know the major drawbacks to implementing it in this country


    1. Opeyemi thanks for this question. I’m also very much interested in IoT but the major drawbacks its implementation will encounter in Nigeria are the issues of internet connectivity and power supply. IoT requires fast internet connectivity (a strong 4G or preferably 5G) to work seamlessly, but the averagely fast internet connectivity in Nigeria might just be a drawback for IoT. Power supply is the other issue IoT will encounter because devices and things needs to be constantly powered so that their functionality can be synergized and synced with the internet. And presently in Nigeria, power supply is still unstable.


  14. Nice write-up brother. My question is, what’s the difference between a computer engineer and a computer scientist?


    1. Thanks for this question, Faith. The difference between a computer engineer and a computer scientist is that a computer knows about both the theoretical and practical aspects of computer functionality and its various applications to technological development in the modern age. On the other hand, a computer scientist study computers and their architecture, languages, and applications in all aspects, as well as the mathematical structures that relate to computers and computation.


  15. But concerning those that repair computers along the road. They aren’t building computers or generating ideas. Most of them simply work with hardwares, few combine with softwares and fewer or relatively small have COREN or NSE certification.
    What’s your definition of engineers, technicians, technologist and scientists


  16. Nice paper. I learnt a lot from the iot part.


  17. Nice Piece !

    The importance of Computer Engineering
    In driving the Technological development in
    In Nigeria cannot be overemphasized.

    1.Why is important to understand how IT systems work, the laws governing the IT system and the environment it operates.

    2. The presence of Cyber bullying and crime, does it add value to technological development in Nigeria.



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