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3D Printed PCB Heading For Space

“ESA had the opportunity to contribute to Woodsat’s payload and we requested Zortrax to manufacture one of the payload functional part we designed using PEEK,” said ESA engineer Ugo Lafont. “We had very tight time constraints and the use of dual 3D printing process has proven to be an asset to get the demonstrator ready and qualified on time.”

Zortrax has been experimenting with printing PCBs that are also structural using two forms of the engineering-grade polymer PEEK – one conductive and the other insulating. PEEK is a challenging material to print, requiring high-temperature extrusion into a high-temperature atmosphere. The company is printing the two PEEKs separately out of the two nozzles available on its Endureal printer.

The insulating one is Zortrax’ standard Z-PEEK – used for module’s cover too. Electrically conductive paths are made with a PEEK from ESA that includes carbon nanotubes and graphene nano-particles (black in the photo).

Initially, in-plane conductivity was good, but through-plane conductivity poor. Detailed development improved the situation, to 0.8S/m at 30V  – 8x the initial value – with increased physical strength.

Zortrax 3D Printed space pcb“The 3D printed circuits used for ground-based tests nearly a year ago were relatively large and their geometry was simple,” said Zortrax head of advanced printing Jacek Krywko. “In just a year, we have developed a capability to print a circuit that was many times smaller and had to include holes for screws, routing for cables, along with polymer conductive paths while making sure it would survive launch phase and space environment conditions. All this in a device the size of a post stamp.” (Photo left, without cover).

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Zortrax DemoConductivePEEK



Zortax stressed to Electronics Weekly that this is not an entire PCB, just a demonstrator for the combined conductive and insulating technology, that will be mounted on a larger normal printed circuit board (PCB) for the flight (right). This further integration is taking place at ESA’s ESTEC facility in the Netherlands.

Wisa-WoodSat-from-UPM flight or qualWisa Woodsat is an interesting CubeSat in itself, with several parts made of birch wood covered with a coating intended to protect it from space. It is being made by Finnish wood products giant UPM – Wisa is one of its brands.

“Flight-testing 3D printed PEEK polymeric based electrical circuits for the first time in history fits great in the overall theme of this mission,” said Zortrax CEO Mariusz Babula. “We believe that innovative materials and additive manufacturing will make space more accessible and easier to reach for businesses and scientists worldwide.”

Source: electronicsweekly

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