Home > Civil > NESTEC 2022 PAPER: Digital Agriculture; Utilizing Internet Of Things In Monitoring Farming Processes

NESTEC 2022 PAPER: Digital Agriculture; Utilizing Internet Of Things In Monitoring Farming Processes


The Paradigm shift from primitive technology to modern wireless technology is rapidly becoming a revolution and this is leading to Internet of things, a network system where hardware components are able to communicate and exchange data with the use of embedded sensors. The project also looks into crop loss which is caused by misunderstanding of soil conditions and nutrient value. This paper is stipulated at designing and implementing an IoT based farm monitoring device using temperature and humidity sensors which can interact with GSM via SMS alert notification system.

Author: Dogban Makanjuola

Supervising Lecturer: Engr (Mrs) LADIPO I.O

Keywords: Crop loss, IoT based farm monitoring device, GSM, SMS Alert notification system Soil Conditions.

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Digital Agriculture; Utilizing Internet Of Things In Monitoring Farming Processes

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94 thoughts on “NESTEC 2022 PAPER: Digital Agriculture; Utilizing Internet Of Things In Monitoring Farming Processes

  1. Of all papers I have seen. This is quite a straight addressing of one of the major issues in Nigeria.

    It’s definitely something the Government has to commercialize.

    Kudos Ola


        1. thank you, sir
          I will love to answer your questions too if asked sir


        1. thank you sir
          you can ask questions too sir


    1. i will love to entertain your questions sir


  2. This paperwork is going to improve crop and food production in the country as a whole and will reduce loss of life with bandits going to farm and killing the our farmers.

    Can we implement physically?


    1. Yes sir
      It can be implemented physically
      This will provide more soil information to the farmer and also store those information in the cloud database for future reference or analysis purpose


  3. How does the utilizing internet of things in monitoring farming processes works?


    1. This is basically using sensors to collect soil parameters such as temperature,pressure,nutrient level, water level ,and moisture level, etc and this parameter can be accessed by the farmer any time , anywhere via the internet. this helps the farmer in knowing when to water his plant or apply manure to his soil. In the case of watering the plant, they can do that via the internet too with help of an automated irrigation system. Also, the farmer tends to get alerted on his phone if there is any form of abnormalities . This will provide more soil information to the farmer and also store that information in the cloud database for future reference or analysis purposes
      this will help in increasing productivity and reduce traditional guess farming.


      1. And I as a farmer gets all these readings on my phone through SMS?

        For me as a small scale farmer, don’t you think it is cost effective for me spending approximately 4 Naira each time I want to request updates on my farming process?

        What other medium can I turn to?


        1. This is not limited to SMS alone
          as a small-scale farmer, you can check updates on your web dashboard.
          it’s only in critical conditions like when there are floods or fire hazards that you get an SMS.
          so spending 4 nairas to get the notification in such cases is worth it sir


  4. This topic will bring the country agriculture system improvement and also the farmers will be at a saver side


    1. yes this will provide an accurate guide for farmer in the process of farming, and also reduce the hassle of manually checking up on the plant.

      Thank you for engaging
      I will love to entertain more questions from you


      1. ‘Hassle if checking up on the plant’

        Do you feel there’s irritant involved in a farmer going to check up on his crops?

        If this is really a problem. How does your solution simplify it?


        1. there is no irritant involved in checking up on the crops but having a remote network that helps monitor the process will reduce the level of visits and stress. we have seen people being killed on their farms, it can be at the point of checking up on the crops they got attacked but if the process was automated they might not visit on that day .


  5. Wow, a Very nice one here
    This system will serve as an intelligence on which any farmer can make accurate farming decision on, and of course, increase productivity.

    But of course, for every solution provided by tech, another set of problems are created.

    In a country/state where this system is fully deployed, farmers will be small scaled, and of course farmers that are less privileged in tech would almost be rendered Jobless.

    Do you have any advice to farmers in this category that depends solely on what they do?


  6. Again, permit me to say you’ve written quite a master piece but if you don’t mind. I’ll like to do some follow up questions…

    What are the risks involved here in this solution?

    What basically are the very dangerous problems this solution is expected to solve?

    Is it scalable. If yes, how?

    Looking at the tech approach, do you feel illiterates would be able to navigate through your solutions?

    What are the market potentials involved here? If the government or perhaps a private stakeholder sees this as a solution worth investing. Would it bring back income or it’s just another free support from the government to the people?

    Have you thought of the limitations and constraints?

    Have this been tested before now on a real farmland or it’s just some laboratory practical you’re writing for us?

    Lastly why did you choose Agriculture, when the country is so focused on crude oil, imports and forex exchange and then the entire world is just interested in crypto currencies and block chain developments?

    Thank you!


    1. 1. This is a solution that will help checkmate the amount of crop loss which are caused by various factors ranging from pests and disease, inappropriate ascertation of the conditions of the soil before planting.
      The risks involved would be a decline in requests for pesticides and other farm needs that would be necessary for growth.
      This is more like a scenario where drones were introduced and the decline of helicopters + camera guys declined.
      In India, it is reported that 3000 farmers die yearly due to crop loss
      With our poor data management system in Nigeria, we could say we may even have worse cases.
      But let’s flashback to the ‘Tomato ebola’ incident if 2014. Imagine if we had a detection system that could detect the changes experienced that cause the diseases, we could have solved the whole incident even before it happened.
      Sadly, we couldn’t…
      Imagine having to labor hard for something all to throw it away because of some disease and pest incident or unavailability of irrigation services, poor soil maintenance… These things that you hardly have control over?
      Its a bad state. Very bad and dangerous for the well-being of the crops and farmers alike
      It is quite very much scalable.
      This study can be utilized in aquaculture, livestock, and other areas.
      It can also be innovated upon by creating a user friendly app that can run without data where farmers can get all the updates without having to spend on SMS charges
      It can be innovated by improving on the technology involved. Maybe AI, ML, and VR.
      It is only a novel idea at the beginning stage of execution and it is very much open to scale During the course of the research, we have tested with farmers far and wide and the user experience is as simple as ABC…
      Children from ages 4 can easily navigate through it as well.


  7. This is a good piece Ola
    Have you thought of the possible challenges in implemying this especially in a country like Nigeria?


    1. yes ma
      possible challenges I could think of are
      1. user friendly: this will involve educating farmers on how to use and interact with the solution.
      2. powering the device: this will be done in such a way that the device would be powered by a battery that can be charged by a small solar panel and some complimentary components.
      3. affordability: this will be made at affordable prices such that small and medium scale farmers can afford though the market target is large scale farmers and industries


  8. Does this mean that a rural guy like myself can start a farm without prior knowledge of farming?


    1. No sir, you need prior knowledge of farming, this is applicable to any business you can think of, you need at least some level of knowledge of any business you want to do. the aim of this solution is to provide convenient means by which farmers can get updates on their crops, reduce the level of guess farming and increase productivity for farmers


  9. Wow wow wow
    I’m so proud reading this,
    I don’t think I have any question now but I just need to appreciate you knowledge on this. God bless 🙏💯❤️


    1. thank you, sir
      but I wish you had questions for me
      I will love to entertain them


  10. Despite it being user friendly, out of 100% farmers, how many percent do you think will welcome the fact that it is user friendly? Will there be need for an initiative that will help educate the less informed farmers on its user friendly nature?


    1. I met a few farmers in course of my research and 7 out of 9 farmers I met loved this solution.
      that is something that shows that a good percentage of farmers would love this solution,and yes farmers needs to be educated about the solution so there will an initiative that will help educate them


  11. Ola I really wish to communicate this kind of piece to my mum who was once a farmer. I will want to hear from her how she will feel getting notifications on her phone oftentimes regarding her farm. Do you think I should do that and give you a feedback?


    1. yes, you can do that.
      I will await your feedback


    1. Research has it that Nigeria has 70.8 million hectares of agricultural land area with maize, cassava, guinea corn, yam beans, millet, and rice being planted every year. and over 50% are lost yearly. this is a major problem for us as a country. if we could solve this huge level of crop losses, I can categorically tell you that there will be a huge reduction in food prices which is currently on the high side.


  12. Very good.
    your paper is well detailed so here are my questions:
    1. What is the affordability of this?
    2. Will it be limited to literate farmers only?
    3. What are the benefits of such project
    4. What are the factors you will put into consideration before implementation of such project?
    That’s all for now.
    Thank you


    1. 1. Talking about affordability, this will be made at affordable prices such that small and medium-scale farmers can afford though the market target is large-scale farmers and industries
      2. it would not be limited to the literate farmers alone, educating farmers(literate and illiterate) and creating awareness can help in maintaining balance. I believe there was a time people were illiterate about mobile phones. but today almost everyone can operate at least a small torchlight phone. it is just about the importance and the value. so we can achieve the same progress with this solution
      3. the benefits include (i) an increase in productivity (ii) reduces the level of guess i.e increasing more accurate farming process (iii)visualization of soil data (iv) notification in case of abnormal conditions, etc
      (i). user friendly: this will involve educating farmers on how to use and interact with the solution.
      (ii). powering the device: this will be done in such a way that the device would be powered by a battery that can be charged by a small solar panel and some complimentary components.

      these are factors i have considered so far but I will appreciate your suggestions and contributions too


  13. Very lovely read and a fantastic idea. I hope this gets implemented in the near future in our dear old country


    1. yes this will be a great solution if implemented successfully


  14. Don’t you think farmer’s will be more bothered about their activities than frequently checking updates on their phone regarding their farm?


    1. This solution will not totally stop farmers from going to the farm.it just reducing the level at which they do that and also give them real time data which they can work with. if they are bothered in any case they can go to the farm and do some check


  15. Nice one ola,
    My question is do you think a farmer in the north can welcome this solution?


    1. yes farmers in the north would love this solution with the help of educating them about it
      .it would be a great one for them


  16. This is great
    Keep up the good work

    Don’t you think language will be a barrier when educating farmers. Like farmers from the north understands little or no English
    How do you do that?


    1. The language will be a barrier, but a translator will do a good job with that


  17. In your significant of study, you mentioned that farmers have to set out to the field to take manual testing which are not so efficient on most basis and alternatively, they could adopt smart sensing technology
    which is highly efficient, convenient and accurate. How sure are you that the smart Technology you are talking about here is very efficient, convenient and accurate?


  18. This is because this solution is built with highly accurate sensors with high percent of precision.also in case of efficiency and convenience the algorithm of they system takes care of that


    1. You mean the precision of the sensors will help with the accuracy.
      Alright thank you


  19. How will data management and. traffic be handled in this device?


    1. Data are encrypted such that only the farmer or who knows his secret keys can have access.and talking about traffic each farmer has their own dash board


  20. Is there an avenue for the data sent on mobile phone to be stored for future reference?


  21. You mentioned Cloud when discussing the overview of farm monitoring device in relation with IoT, will it be implemented in the device also?


    1. Yes data sent to the mobile phone are received as an sms.it is only in situation where the farmer himself decide to delete those data from his phone


  22. How will information such as humidity, temperature level and gas concentration be collected?


    1. The system is incorporate with sensor to help collect those parameters


  23. What are the factors to be considered when implementing this device?


  24. Will weather/pest not affect the sensors which will be used for the implementation?


    1. these sensors are built to withstand weather conditions and pests


  25. Will weather/pest not affect the sensors which will be used for the implementation?


  26. You tried with these your research .
    A shift to IOT based in agriculture can indeed help in checking all the processes in agriculture.
    My question on this your research is that what are the advantage of the usage of IOT in farm.
    And also what if their is network failure? Can it work 100% efficient without being monitored?


    1. thank you
      the advantages of the usage of IoT in farms help farmers to have real-time value to work with, hence reducing the common farming errors that had reduce productivity.
      also in case of network failure, the farmer can access these values via SMS which is not internet based


  27. A lot of complex farm work has been made easier with the device you designed. Good job.

    My question is:

    If I am using the farm monitoring device on my farmland, is there a chance for me to virtually disable/enable text messaging from the GSM module to avoid receiving the same information? In particular, because I am currently receiving the information from the internet conveniently. 


    1. Thanks for your time
      Yes you can disable the texting messages when you feel like
      It’s just a command which you can always send to activate or deactivate the texting system


      1. Interesting to know.
        Thank you


  28. Farming processes involves planting and rearing of animals,how is this solution applicable to animals


    1. It will be powered with battery which is rechargeable using small solar panels

      Thank you for your time
      I hope to answer more questions from you


  29. How accurate can the IoT cloud be in collecting data for the purpose of this project?


    1. the IoT cloud is just a server to store the collected data from the sensors
      the accuracy of the data depends on the sensors that are used in the design of the solution I can tell that they are pretty accurate and they have a high level of precision.

      thank you for the comment I will love to answer more questions from you


  30. If the particular sim linked with the system gets damaged or lost, can data be sent to another sim?


    1. in the situation of sim lost,the farmer is required to do a sim swap or recovery so he can get SMS notifications but the notification is not limited to SMS alone.they can always access their database from the net anytime


  31. Will the farmer need a formal tutoring on how the software interface operates?


  32. the IoT cloud is just a server to store the collected data from the sensors
    the accuracy of the data depends on the sensors that are used in the design of the solution I can tell that they are pretty accurate and they have a high level of precision.

    thank you for the comment I will love to answer more questions from you


  33. How can iot improve efficiency in the agricultural industry


    1. Research has it that Nigeria has 70.8 million hectares of agricultural land area with maize, cassava, guinea corn, yam beans, millet, and rice being planted every year. and over 50% are lost yearly. this is a major problem for us as a country. if we could solve this huge level of crop losses, I can categorically tell you that there will be a huge reduction in food prices which is currently on the high side.this where iot will be playing prominent role by remotely monitoring the parameters that cause this yearly losts


      1. thank you for the question i will love to answer more of your questions


  34. How can IoT monitor the environment to help in agriculture?


    1. this will provide an accurate guide for farmer in the process of farming, and also reduce the hassle of manually checking up on the plant.


    2. i will love to have more questions thank you


  35. what an innovation! as I read through, I kept imagining AI boosting our crop production and help reduce losses in our farms. This will be great!


    1. i will appreciate if you can ask me some questions


    2. The relationship between the temperature,soil moisture and pump
      During the course of preparing this paper we had practical research where we to some farms at ikorodu,jute leaf (ewedu)was used as a case study,high temperature damage the leaves,too much moisture in the soil can always damage the plant,but implementing this solution this help the farm to monitor and simultaneously automate the irrigation system,when if high temperature is detected the system triggers the pump to water the plan.


  36. 1. Can your system be accurate? using a single point to decide the soil moisture of a farmland, with no consideration on the topography of the land
    2. Refer to your flowchart (Fig. 4.2), What else after monitoring the temperature? What is the relationship between the temperature, soil moisture and the pump control operation?


    1. 1.The system is as accurate as we put it today,it is a novel solution and they can always be an improvement on it,base on the study of this research it is accurate as it could be.


    2. 2.The relationship between the temperature,soil moisture and pump
      During the course of preparing this paper we had practical research where we to some farms at ikorodu,jute leaf (ewedu)was used as a case study,high temperature damage the leaves,too much moisture in the soil can always damage the plant,but implementing this solution this help the farm to monitor and simultaneously automate the irrigation system,when if high temperature is detected the system triggers the pump to water the plant.


  37. Dogban Makajuola
    1. What is the major advantage of the your technique against the present method being used
    2. How will you equipment cover a farm land that is large, wont it be rather expensive to deploy


    1. The major advantage of of this technique is DATA
      Data has been an important factor,data has been the structure of today’s technology world,AI(artificial intelligence) is possible today because there are available data.
      The major advantage of this technique is that it provides a database system for the farm which he/she can use to analyze and understudy past event can be used to improve and predict future happenings


    2. This solution is designed as a slave and master solution where we have other nodes(slaves) getting data from other part of the farm land and sending it to the control unit(master) wirelessly, and if we look at initial cost it will be expensive but it cheaper when compared with the long term loses it will prevent


  38. 1. There is various open-source software used as cloud server. What is the motivation behind the choice of Thingspeak as a cloud server for this research?

    2. On what basis is the performance of the developed solution tested?

    3. How secure is Thingspeak?


    1. The motivation behind the choice of thingspeak are
      1.it is easy to use,it provides easy communication between hardware and software using http protocol
      2.it provide customizable dashboard.
      3.it is integrated with other platform such as MATLAB which allows easy data analysis and visualization.
      4.it is scalable,it can handle large number of devices and users


      1. Thingspeak is a secured platform with several security features such as SSL/TLS encryption and authentication,role based access control on iot data


    2. This solution is tested on the basis of soil of food security and soil protection



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