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Chandrayaan 2 Moon Landing: PM Modi Proud Despite Failure

Chandrayaan 2 Vikram Lander, Chandrayaan 2 Landing Live Updates: PM Modi has hailed ISRO scientists after Chandrayaan 2’s lander Vikram lost contact with ISRO’s mission center just 2.1 KM before the touchdown on lunar surface

Chandrayaan 2 Vikram lander LIVE updates: In an emotionally charged, warm and affectionate pep talk to Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) scientists at the space agency’s headquarters in Bengaluru, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said India is with them. PM Modi has vowed that there will be new dawn and a brighter tomorrow. Asserting that ISRO has encyclopedia of success, PM Modi said the space agency’s goals will not be deterred by momentary obstacles. PM Modi was present at ISRO headquarters in the wee hours of Saturday.

This comes after ISRO lost communication with the Vikram lander over 10 minutes after it started the descent operation to Moon. ISRO chief K Sivan said that the descent operation was carried out as expected till 2.1 kilometres altitude, after which communication was lost. ISRO is trying to analyse data, he said. Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked scientists to “Be Courageous” and not lose hope. PM Modi said that ups and downs are a part of life, and asked the ISRO scientists to hope for the best. He congratulated scientists for serving the country and humanity. ISRO Chief K Sivan informed, ‘Vikram lander’s descent was normal till 2.1 KM but subsequently the communication from the Vikram lander to the mission station was lost. The data was being analysed.” ISRO is now analyzing the data to ascertain and will try to establish connection.

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In an emotionally charged, warm and affectionate pep talk to Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) sceintists at the space agency’s headquarters in Bengaluru, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said India is with them. PM Modi has vowed that there will be new dawn and a brighter tomorrow. Asserting that ISRO is encyclopedia of success, PM Modi said the spaceagency’s goals will not be detered by momentary obstacles. PM Modi was present at ISRO headquarters in the wee hours of Saturday. This comes after ISRO has lost communication with the Vikram lander over 10 minutes after it started the descent operation. ISRO chief K Sivan said that the descent operation was carried out as expected till 2.1 kilometres altitude, after which communication was lost. ISRO is trying to analyse data, he said. Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked scientists to “Be Courageous” and not lose hope. PM Modi said that ups and downs are a part of life, and asked the ISRO scientists to hope for the best. He congratulated scientists for serving the country and humanity. ISRO Chief K Sivan informed, ‘Vikram lander’s descent was normal till 2.1 KM but subsequently the communication from the Vikram lander to the mission station was lost. The data was being analysed.” ISRO is now analyzing the data to ascertain and will try to establish connection. Earlier, PM Narendra Modi arrived at ISRO’s mission center at Bengaluru. ISRO had informed that the Chandrayaan 2 landing time and the tentative touchdown time for Vikram lander was between 1.30 am to 2.30 am on September 7. The proposed mission objective of Chandrayaan 2 was to investigate the possibility of the presence of water in the form of ice in the dark region of the Moon. Apart from Doordarshan and ISRO’s live webcast, National Geographic Channel for TVs and Hotstar for OTTs relayed the Chandrayaan 2 moon landing live. Meanwhile, the orbiter is functional and has healthy communication with ISRO’s mission centre.

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Source: financialexpress

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