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Cloud Security: What Do Business Leaders Need To Remember

Cloud computing evolved from an emerging technology to an established network solution for businesses within a short time.

Businesses migrate to cloud systems mostly because of the accessibility and scalability that the technology offers. It can also save businesses a lot of time and resources in the long run. Consequently, that will translate into more cost savings.

However, the concern on cloud security remains to be the top reason some businesses are resisting the switch.

With that in mind, here are three hotspots businesses should pay attention to when selecting a cloud service provider (CSP).

#1 | Visibility and control

Moving assets and operations to the cloud will make it seem like there’s less visibility as well as control.

Whose responsibility will protecting the data be — the business or the CSP? How does the business protect their assets if they don’t even know that it is there?

Different types of cloud service model will give businesses varying levels of visibility and control over data.

It can turn out to be frustrating, so a good CSP should be able to recommend to businesses the model type that they need.

#2 | Control over deleted data

When we hit the delete button for data in a traditional local system, we see it gone. However, how do we verify that for data on cloud systems?

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The problem is that businesses do not have access to where the data is stored and to verify if it is actually erased. So, can the CSP be trusted?

Cloud infrastructure is built for a seamless transition across devices. This will also mean that the data that you ‘delete’ may not be erased across all devices.

The solution to this risk is for CSPs to use end-to-end encryptions and to provide software updates as often as possible.

#3 | Strong need for due diligence

Before selecting a CSP, it is best to do plenty of research and tests.

Some things work brilliantly in theory. Though, it will take tests for us to really see how things play out.

It is necessary for IT professionals to test the entire cloud system out for all probabilities before implementation.

This is to avoid hiccups after the migration, which will cost the company much more in terms of time and effort.

Above that, it can interrupt the business operation as a whole and incur losses. This is why moving to the cloud system and selecting the right CSP should be well-thought-out.

To the average person, cloud computing represents the seamless transition between devices. Though for businesses, technology enables greater efficiency as well as support for its operations.

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So, the reason why cloud computing is favored is simple — It works out well. It is only a matter of time when all businesses make the switch.

Ultimately, all technologies will have risks. The takeaway here is that businesses need to understand the level of security that each cloud service model provides and how it suits the business operations.

Source: techwireasia

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