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Powering Tomorrow (Ref. CS0088)

A series of in-depth interviews with DNV GL’s energy experts on the challenges facing transmission and
distribution system operators.

How are transmission and distribution system operators (TSOs and DSOs) coping with the radical changes taking place in the energy system? What changes can we expect to happen in the operation of our power grids? And how will electricity grids need to adapt to support the transition to a cleaner energy system?

This six-part series will explore the role TSOs and DSOs play in the energy transition; how to make networks smarter; the impact of electrification on network operations; the impact of the offshore wind revolution on power networks and the levels of maturity in renewables integration. In the first interview of our Powering Tomorrow series, our experts speak about:
 The vital and active role TSOs and DSOs
play in the transition to a low-carbon system
 The skills and resources needed to ensure
reliability and safety in the power system throughout the energy transition
 The support needed from industry
stakeholders, including policymakers and regulators.

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Powering Tomorrow

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