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Sabrina Pasterski, A Woman Who Build An Airplane Engine At 14

This is Sabrina Pasterski, a girl who already knew how to build an airplane engine at the age of 14. At age 16, she became the youngest person ever to travel in a plane she built herself. She has a doctorate in physics and is currently impressing with her studies of black holes.
Sabrina Pasterski received her Ph.D. from Harvard and studies one of the most challenging subjects in physics: black holes, the nature of gravity, and space-time. The way he approaches the subject has led university institutions to claim that they are working with a “new Einstein”.
The daughter of an American father and a Cuban mother, she was born in Chicago and attended a school for super-intelligent children. In 2013, she was the first woman in two decades to graduate from MIT with a degree in physics at the top of her class.
Stephen Hawking cited her work several times in his article published in 2016. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, wore a fan T-shirt with her image and invited her to work at “Blue Origin”, an astronaut company that he owns. According to him, she would work wherever she wants, it’s important that she has that mindset. NASA also made a similar proposal to her.
She turned down both companies, wanting to focus on her scientific work for now without any pressure.
Credit: Imtiaz Mahmood

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