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Dubai’s Storms: Extraordinary Photos Reveal Horizontal Lightning Striking Behind Skyline

Dubai’s Storms: Extraordinary Photos Reveal Horizontal Lightning Striking Behind Skyline

The pictures show bolts of lightning igniting the night’s sky behind the towering skyline of Dubai’s sky scrappers, including the Burj Khalifa

Extraordinary photos show an incredible storm over Dubai capturing horizontal lightning striking behind some of the world’s tallest buildings.

The pictures show bolts of lightning igniting the night’s sky behind the towering skyline of Dubai’s sky scrappers, including the Burj Khalifa.

He said: “We were told there would be a big storm in Dubai about two days before and we knew it would be a great one to capture.

Lightning striking behind the skyscrapers of Dubai (Image: Zohaib Anjum / SWNS.com)
Photographer Zohaib Anjum (Image: Zohaib Anjum / SWNS.com)

“I was up taking the pictures from 10pm till sunrise and for two nights in a row I didn’t sleep.

“These moments come once or twice in a year so we have to capture it and the storms in Dubai usually only come in March.

“I like taking storm picture because I wanted to start doing something different and I chose storms because it’s not that easy and it’s great when people see them and they say wow.

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“I’m not afraid of the storms anymore and when people ask why I do it I say it feels good.”

Horizontal lightning is also referred to a ‘spider lightning’.

The National Severe Storms Laboratory explained: “Spider lightning refers to long, horizontally traveling flashes often seen on the underside of stratiform clouds.”

Source: UK Mirror

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