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Crisis Of Interest Rocks NSE At EGM

At the Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the Nigerian Society of Engineers held in Abuja to amend her MEMART, the meeting presided by the President Engr Adekunle Mokuolu became rowdy as the criteria for voting was disagreed by members.

While a section supported the use of MEMART, others felt CAMA rules should be adhered to. Confusion set in when Engr Dr O. Ajayi, a Past President of the Society was refused to make further contributions on the matter.

Those in support of the CAMA relied on the provision of 75% vote cast while those in support of the MEMART relied on the provision of simple majority of vote cast.
The President insisted on following the law which is inline with CAMA. A common ground could not be reached as at the time of filing this report.

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