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Mind The Gap: How Understanding The Brain Can Help Your Business Succeed

Unlock the potential of neuroscience as your ally in the startup world and discover how to harness its power for your success

Picture this: Anna, a passionate startup founder, finds herself stuck in a never-ending cycle of work. Her startup is growing, but so is her workload. She’s heard of the “Leverage Gap,” this mystical space between grinding day-to-day and achieving long-term success.

Intrigued, she dives into the world of neuroscience to find the missing link. What she discovers changes her startup’s trajectory forever.

Act 1: The Leverage Gap dilemma

Anna’s startup is like many others — full of potential but tethered to time-bound output. She stumbles upon the concept of the Leverage Gap and realises she’s been focusing on short-term gains, bypassing her brain’s rational decision-making centre, the prefrontal cortex.

Use neuroscience-backed techniques like mindfulness to make better decisions.

By practising mindfulness, Anna learns to pause and evaluate her choices, aligning them with her long-term goals. This simple shift in mindset helps her make decisions that serve as stepping stones to leverage.

Act 2: The emotional quotient

Anna notices that her team’s communication is less than stellar. Conflicts arise, and productivity suffers. She learns about the amygdala, the brain’s emotional centre, and realises the untapped leverage in emotional intelligence.

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Invest in emotional intelligence training for your team.

Anna introduces emotional intelligence workshops. The team starts understanding their emotional triggers and those of their colleagues. Communication improves, conflicts decrease, and productivity soars. Emotional intelligence becomes their newfound leverage.

Act 3: The dopamine revelation

Anna reads about dopamine, the “feel-good” neurotransmitter that’s key to motivation. She understands that her team’s focus on short-term rewards has been a roadblock to acquiring long-term leverage.

Implement a reward system that focuses on long-term goals.

Anna sets up a reward system that celebrates long-term achievements. The team’s focus shifts from immediate gains to sustainable growth. Dopamine now serves as a catalyst for long-term leverage, not just short-term satisfaction.

Act 4: The 35-hour workweek epiphany

Anna comes across a study stating that productivity dips after 35 hours per week. Intrigued, she correlates this with neuroscience findings on how stress impairs cognitive functions.

Limit work hours to optimise productivity.

Anna experiments with a 35-hour workweek. The team initially resists, but soon, they find that they’re achieving more in less time. The constraint forces them to focus on leverage—automating tasks, delegating, and prioritising. The Leverage Gap starts to close.

The transformation

Armed with neuroscience insights, Anna transforms her startup. They’re no longer just surviving; they’re thriving. The Leverage Gap is bridged, and the startup sails smoothly towards long-term success.

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So, if you find yourself, like Anna, stuck in the Leverage Gap, remember that neuroscience holds the key to not just surviving but thriving in the startup world. Your brain is your best ally in this journey; you just need to know how to leverage it.

Source: e27

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