Home > Mechanical > Report Reveals That Killer Drones Are Being Developed By The U.K Government

Report Reveals That Killer Drones Are Being Developed By The U.K Government

The Development Of Autonomous Military Drones In the U.K. have revealed that the U.K government is funding the creation of flying “Killer robots”, despite its public claims and declarations that it had no such intentions.

DroneWars UK a campaign group that is fully into autonomous drone weapons divulged that the U.k’s Defense and Security Accelerator (Dasa) is presently funding research to develop weapons that have the capacity to kill without a direct human input.

Over A Decade’s Work. In the report, Taranis Stealth Drone possesses the abilities of autonomous flying, plotting routes and locating targets. The drone model as stated in the report was a culmination of over a decade’s work by the country’s Ministry of Defense and BAE systems that has gulped well over
€200 million.

The year old investigative study also exposed dozens of other similar research programmes getting financial support from the Ministry of Defense.

Peter Burt the author of the report explained saying; “There is tangible evidence that the MoD, military contractors and universities in the UK are actively engaged in research and development of the underpinning technology with the aim of using it in military applications”.

He also said that they have already seen the development of drones in Britain which have advanced autonomous capabilities, like the Taranis Stealth drone developed by BAE systems, and the development of a truly autonomous lethal drone in the foreseeable future which is now
a real possibility.

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Burt further stressed; “The government should be supporting international initiatives to prevent the development and
use of fully autonomous weapons, and should be investigating the enormous potential of artificial intelligence to identify potential conflict areas and prevent wars before they start.”

Current Ministry of Defence policy states the UK opposes the development of autonomous weapons systems, with the government stating it “does not possess fully autonomous weapons and has no intention of developing them.”

No Intentions To Create Weapons Not Under Human Control. The Ministry of Defense spokesperson said that there is no intent within the MoD to create
weapon systems that operate entirely without human input as their weapons will always be under human control as an absolute guarantee of oversight, authority and accountability.

Over time, Artificial experts have warned that assigning life-or-death decisions to machines crosses a moral line, with hundreds of academics calling for a pre-emptive ban on lethal autonomous robotics last year as part of the campaign to stop Killer Robots.

Toby Walsh, Scienta Professor of Artificial Intelligence at UNSW in Sydney, said at that time its not the Terminator that experts in Artificial Intelligence and robotics like himself are worried about but much simpler technologies currently under development, that are only a few years
away from deployment.

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He stressed that without a ban, there will be an arms race to develop increasingly capable autonomous weapons and those weapons will be of mass destruction because one programmer will be able to control a whole army.

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