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Scientist Predicts What Cities Will Look Like On The Moon

While the idea of living on the moon was once a thing of science fiction, several space agencies including NASA and Roscosmos are racing to make it a reality.

Now, one scientist has revealed what he thinks the lunar cities could look like in the next 150 years, in a project dubbed ‘Moontopia.’

Professor Lewis Dartnell, a science communication expert at the University of Westminster , has teamed up with Hillarys to bring his vision to light.

He said: “As our understanding of space advances the opportunity to start a new world becomes ever more possible.

“Moving home or to another country is already incredibly exciting, imagine what it would be like to move to an entirely different habitat.

Homes could be built inside lava tubes

Professor Dartnell predicts that homes in Moontopia will be built in lava tubes, and that inhabitants will travel around using bikes or on foot.

Moontopia would also include an airlock that would keep the city pressurised, meaning people could walk around freely with spacesuits.

Astronaut on the Moon 

While this sounds pretty great so far, if you’re used to eating what you want, when you want it, living in Moontopia could be a struggle.

Hillarys explained: “Without the space for farm animals, artificial meat would need to be grown in labs using tissue cultures in special vats. Hydroponic farms would need to be established to grow fruit and vegetables.”

Other key challenges would include adapting to the temperatures on the Moon.

In direct sunlight, the moon can reach up to 100°C, while at night, temperatures can plummet to -170°C!

While Professor Dartnell’s vision is merely based on predictions, lunar cities could become a reality in the not-so-distant future.

In 2016, Russia announced plans to build a human colony on the Moon by 2030, while NASA plans to establish a lunar outpost in 2028.

Source: Mirror

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