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Website Transcription And Benefits

Nowadays, websites have a host of various content formats on them. Not only do they offer an immersive experience for your website’s visitors, but they also majorly improve your search engine optimization (SEO). SEO makes your website easier to find for people when they seek out the information it offers. Therefore, including different types of formats on your website improves your ROI.

However, you should not ignore the fact that not everyone can consume video or audio content on the same level. For example, some people do not have 100% hearing ability, and others are partially blind. If you do not consider them in your website design and architecture, you lose a percentage of your market share – and depending on where you live, you may face legal action.

How to Transcribe Websites

Website transcription is the process of making auditory and visual content available and consumable to people with impediments that disallow them from grasping it effectively. Website transcription also prevents you from being the victim of lawsuits where there are inclusion laws aimed at people with disabilities. It simply involves typing out the audio and visual content on your website. After that, the site owner will upload the resulting transcript alongside the corresponding content on the web page.

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What Are the Benefits of Website Transcription?

Website transcription comes with a broad range of advantages. Some are very covert, while others are not. Nevertheless, if you own a website, converting your content into text is among the best things you could do to boost both the site’s reach and return on investment.

Better SEO Ranking

Video content ranks very differently from written information where SEO is concerned. The main reason for this is that Google cannot analyze video content, unlike written documents. Transcripts provide an excellent complement as they keep you from losing the effect of keywords in your script. To keep things simple, Google ranks your content better when you have text alternatives included.

Increased Revenue

Increased revenue comes as a direct result of better SEO rankings. Better SEO leads to more traffic and, ultimately, better conversions or ad revenue. It is pretty simple. That is only one way that transcripts increase your bottom line. Remember that they also allow people with hearing disabilities to consume your content better. Inclusivity increases your customer base and, ultimately, your sales figures.

Also, remember that in some places, not including transcripts on your site conflates to discrimination. Lawsuits and a lot of time and money spent in court usually follow. So, website transcription not only adds to your revenue but also helps you toe the line.

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Reduced Bounce Rates

Owing to the increase in traffic and engagement on your site, your audience widens and spends more time consuming your content. And thanks to the increased time spent on your site, bounce rates automatically decrease. A bounce rate is one of the best methods to tell if people appreciate and interact with your content. In terms of website analytics, it is a fundamental metric. A good bounce rate ranges from 26% to 40%. When it goes above that, you need to do something.

Another way transcribing webpages helps reduce bounce rates is by turning video and audio content into blog posts. The time spent reading the transcribed content dramatically reduces the bounce rate. This signals to Google and other search engines that your content is of value to web users.

Source: doncaprio

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